All about the daily life of a regular family that shows the good, the bad, and the ugly. We are not the Waltons, but we love each other and I guess that is all that matters.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
How to Make Buzz Lightyear Cupcakes | ThePartyAnimal-Blog
How to Make Buzz Lightyear Cupcakes | ThePartyAnimal-Blog
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Happy Birthday Alien!
So the Alien is two today!
According to Dr. Harvey Kemp the Alien is technically now a Caveman (well Cavewoman, girl?) due to her reaching toddlerhood. But for the sake of the blog, and all seven readers I am choosing to keep the Alien an Alien.
She did have a marvelous birthday party, with cake (Costco does a really good job and it had cheesecake filling OMG so good), and pool party. We actually have my brother in law, his wife and four year old visiting so the Caveman has spent a ton of time at Grandma's house enjoying running around with Cousin Rusty. I almost feel bad that I did do more for the Alien's birthday, but with working, planning my next FPU session, and school there isn't enough hours in the day to do everything. Do moms that stay at home always bake homemade cakes and arrange for balloon animal artists to come to birthday parties. Probably some, I just think that a two year old doesn't needs all of that. In fact the birthday party is for the grown up acknowledging that we have kept this child alive for another year.
I still can't believe she is two, a walking, almost talking, little person with big personality. The Alien likes to climb on everything, throws a proper temper tantrum if she doesn't get her way, and loves her stuffed bunny "Baby." More importantly she is just like a little burst of sunshine, the happiest baby (well toddler now, wow) on my block. Well she is sunshine until she has a temper tantrum or poops.
The Caveman is completely confused about celebrating birthdays not on the day of the actual birthday. When Big Papi and I wished the Alien happy birthday, the Caveman proclaimed "What? She gets another one!" But, he gave her a hug and a kiss which she screamed yuck and ran out of the room. The Caveman chased after her screaming "Stop evil emperor Zurg" and the day slips into normal.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Congratulations It’s a Boy!
So, last night while giving the kids a bath the Caveman made it very clear he was a man.
Yes folks we have a boy! While scrubbing the Alien I glanced over and the Caveman was grabbing his stuff and yes I freaked out a little bit. He is only three! My three year old has discovered his penis. When I told him that we do not do that in the same room with our sister and mommy he did stop. Then I grabbed the phone (calm down folks it was in the same room) and called Crazy Grandma. She laughed.
After the phone he was pushing the muscles near the pelvic bone so the penis would bob up and down. Again the rule of no playing with the penis with your sister and mom in the room still applies.
Why do these things happen when Big Papi is at basketball?
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Pampers offers designer-brand diapers - Yahoo! Finance
Actually I bet Crazy Grandma would have gotten them for the kids had she had the chance.
Pampers offers designer-brand diapers - Yahoo! Finance
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Eau, No: The Strangest Scents Ever - Yahoo! Shopping
Eau, No: The Strangest Scents Ever - Yahoo! Shopping
Friday, June 25, 2010
Ice Cream
So, last night it was hot! Actually it has been dangerously hot for the last few days- so hot that a certain Alien and Caveman have not been able to play outside and burn off toddler energy.
Plus our kitchen sink is broken- the other day I noticed a terrible, rotting smell coming from the kitchen. A sidebar please, my nose after working for Lotion Land for 10 years is incredibly sensitive- I always smell stinky way before anyone else. I also have a weak stomach for these things. Because of this I wasn't going to find where the smell is coming from, I have a theory- I pushed children out this gets me out of cleaning out the fridge, removing creepy crawly things, and investigating stinky items with the exception of a stinky diaper.
When Big Papi came home he found the pipe leading to the garbage disposal had come off and there was still food inside. OMG!!!!!!! The brave man had to scoop it out while I hid in the bedroom- even just writing about it now I am nauseous.
With the kitchen being out of commission I haven't been able to cook which had led to stress. On top of this I haven't been to Zumba in the last week and last night Big Papi was way late coming home from work and the kid were nuts.
So we did what any family would do, we went out for ice cream. I am actually lactose intolerant so I avoid dairy but we needed a break so we went to the local Dairy Queen and you know somehow life was better.
This weekend is going to be awesome- the kids have a playdate with another set of Cavemen and I have class- plus damn it I will be making muffins for tomorrow morning!
Happy Friday everyone.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
To Grandmother’s house we go
So, a few of my friends are sending their children to stay with grandparents this summer. One of my good friends is an amazing stay-at home mom who I am so proud of because she is allowing her girls to stay at their grandparents' house. This friend has never done this before- she missed portions of our high school graduation because they weren't kid friendly. This trip for away from her girls is going to challenge her in new ways.
But, as I watch the comments from her facebook page I couldn't help seeing one of her friends comment on the situation saying, "Let yourself enjoy the time you have while they are away and DON'T FEEL GUILTY about it. This can be hard for us stay at home moms. We feel guilty when we let someone else watch them." Really? It is only hard for stay- at- home moms?
I appreciate she is offering the same advice I am but why is it that stay- at- home moms feel guilty about allowing someone else watch their children but a working mom doesn't? I believe this woman, who I honestly do not know, thinks that because moms, like me, who drop off children at a day care or a sitter's house, do not feel guilty any more. Hello, of course I feel guilty- I feel guilty every time I drop off the kids with Kelly the Amazing Babysitter. When I left the Caveman and Alien for an entire week with Normal Grandma and Titi I cried as I drove off.
Maybe I am more sensitive about situation because I could make choices to stay at home with them more- I just function as a better mommy because I am also a woman outside of my kids. This is the balance we face as mothers, because I was awesome before I had children. My career was going really well, I was getting married, everything was great.
Then the Caveman came along and changed everything. Some things got better because of my son, I learned that a career isn't the only achievement a woman can have, I reconnected with my faith in a new way. I discovered an amount of love I didn't think possible, I met my soul mates through the Alien and Caveman.
But the kids have also brought a new amount of stress and fear about me. I constantly think "am I doing enough?" "Will they turn out okay?" "Did I feed them any vegetables today?" It was easier just worrying about me. I also desperately miss the complete freedom of just being able to do whatever I wanted without holding a summit with my husband about what to do with the kids.
These thoughts do not make me a bad mom- in fact because I am willing to share them it makes me a healthier mom and woman. My life does not revolve around my children- I was a whole person when they arrived in my life.
Being a working mom is a choice, I realize this. But I am proud of that choice- I just wish women would just say moms when talking about motherhood. Especially because the last time I checked stay-at-home moms work really hard too.
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Alien and Caveman Go to the Movies
So, we survived the Toy Story 3 adventure. Here is a time line of events
9:38am- The Alien and I arrive at Cinema Café. Big Papi and Caveman are on route but I think the theater is closed because the parking lot is abandoned with the exception of a few cars. Sit in the parking lot and wait for the theater to open so we can get good seats.
9:45am- grrr there is going to be a birthday party going on in the theater- yuck try explaining to a three year old why he can't have any birthday cake. But because of the birthday party we are able to get in the theater but the ticket counter lady doesn't look pleased we are in the theater before the place opens. Oh well. And word of advice- it isn't a good idea to look annoyed at the people who plan to spend money in your movie theater especially when serious competition is going to open across the street in a matter of a few weeks. Well maybe that is just me.
10:10am- in the theater and realize there are three birthday parties going on. My kids are going nuts asking all kinds of questions about birthdays and cake.
10:18am- had to tell Big Papi to relax because the Alien was making noise. Guess what, every other kid is talking so calm down. A non birthday party parent across from us just ordered a beer. By the way this is one of those movie theaters where you order real food and adult beverages- but not an adult theatre because the name Toy Story would have a whole other meaning. So would the word Buzz and Woody now that I think about it.
All three birthdays have sung happy birthday, I feel like a voyeur.
10:28am- potty break for the Caveman and Alien needed changing. Of course the Caveman waits until after Big Papi takes the Alien to change her (folks he volunteered for diaper duty- he reads the blogs he could have pulled its father's day-palooza but didn't). Coming back the Alien has her first temper tantrum of the morning. Ah the waitress finally takes our order, and I have a Caveman who doesn't eat meat on his pizza, a Big Papi who doesn't eat plain cheese pizza, and an Alien screaming for a snack. I wonder if they are showing Sex and the City in another theater.
10:30am- the house lights dim and there this Google Ad,
the Caveman claps at the end- hey Google I think I deserve at least ½% of just today's takings for the mention. No? Well it was worth a try and just noticed the Alien's three eyed alien shirt glows in the dark. Waitress just brought the drinks and popcorn- plus extra cups for popcorn, yay! I wisely brought our own spill-proof cups but somehow the thingies that keep the liquid inside have disappeared. Thank goodness it is clear liquid.
After that I couldn't keep track because who uses their blackberry in the movie theater? Okay what normal person uses their blackberry in the movie theater? Plus one of the waitresses might have thought I was a bootlegger or something.
The Alien made it half way through before getting squirmy. I took her around half the time and then Big Papi finished. As for the Caveman he sat in my lap during the last little bits as Andy leaves for college. I won't say what happens to our favorite toys but I cried at the end and breathed my little boy in deep not wanting to ever let go.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
To the movies and beyond!
So, today is the day! The Alien and Caveman will be attending the 10:30am showing of Toy Story 3 at the Cinema Café. In preparation for the day I actually got them presents because not only it is their first movie, but also it is graduation day for the Caveman- he finishing his first round of swimming lessons.
Target had an amazing selection of Toy Story 3 gear. The kids will be wearing Toy Story 3 shirts- the Caveman is all about Buzz so his shirt features him- and the Alien is all about Woody but there is a major lacking of girl clothes and toys based on this movie. Big Papi and I actually saw a t-shirt featuring the three-eyed aliens that say "oooh" at Target a few weeks ago. Not thinking clearly we didn't pick it up- but when Crazy Grandma bought the Caveman the Buzz shirt I had the idea of have the kids wear TS3 shirts to the movie. I did this last year when they both saw Elmo at Sesame Place (let's hope this mini trip isn't going to be as stressful).
I went back to Target yesterday and there were no three-eyed alien shirts. So, I went to another Target and even got a red shirted man to look in the storage room. You know I actually have the best conversations with retail sales people. I think they sense I was a member of their tribe for many years. The red shirted Target man went to the rack and said "Is this shirt for you because they only go up to 4T." I responded with, "You don't think I can rock a 4T shirt?" He begins to look panic and says "No! No, not at all, but we are out of the shirt any way." Drat! Then the red shirted Target man said "If you put your kids in Toy Story shirts and take them to the movie where every other kid will be in Toy Story shirts what happens when you lose one of them?"
Good point red shirted Target man! Grandparents who read this blog make a note that we will not be leaving the kids' sides so there is no worry about the shirt issue.
Thankfully Big Papi went to the Target across the water and found the beloved t-shirt! There were plenty of them at that Target.
And this morning they got their TS3 presents! The Caveman received the Toy Story Memory game and the Alien got the Jesse the Yodeling Cowgirl doll! The Alien adores her already!
Stay tuned for more updates!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Father’s Day-Palooza 2010!
So, Father's Day-palooza is upon us! For the next two and half days we shall celebrate all things Big Papi!
The first thing is Big Papi will not have to change diapers, under ware, clothes, or any other item unless he wants to. This is going to work to his advantage because I literally just changed both the Alien and Caveman's stink butts! And the Caveman has been potty trained for almost six months and all the sudden when the moratorium on no diaper changes for Big Papi- conspiracy I think.
The second thing is Big Papi will be able to enjoy a few hours of leisure to himself without children- this after we watch Toy Story 3 tomorrow morning at 10:00am!
The third thing is Big Papi friendly meals will be served each day- tonight it is cornbread topped chili in the crock pot- I know in the crock pot who knew but I am trying it right now. I got the idea online. All you do it make the chili however you like and cook for eight hours on low- during the last hour take a boxed cornbread mix (follow the mixing directions on the box) and put on top of the chili in the pot! You do need to put a paper towel on top of the mixture to collect the condensation and turn the crock pot on high.
Tomorrow night we will have lettuce wraps! Also in the crock pot! And then Sunday the most amazing Big Papi meal- I can't' say here yet because he might lurk on the blog but it involves sausage!
And why am I going all out for the Big Papi? Well he allows me to go to class and gives me plenty of time for myself. And for mother's day he took both kids away for several hours!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sleep is Silly, Right Mommy
So, the Alien decided it was time for her first all nighter.
I usually get home from class about 10:30ish depending on the traffic and how quickly I get to my car. If you read last night's post I practically sprinted to the car! When I arrived home I was talking to Big Papi in our living room which is also where I have my mini office in a corner. We were talking about the situation in my class and I heard a back bedroom door open.
"Great" I thought the Caveman is up. The Caveman usually wakes up in the middle of the night and comes into our bedroom where Big Papi and I are sound asleep. The Caveman is like a stealth weapon, he gets into the bed curls up with the grown up of his choice and then falls right back asleep.
So imagine my surprise when I see my almost two-year old in the living room, bright eyed and ready to start her day. Did I mention that it was past 11:00pm?
I immediately check her diaper (yep wet, a reasonable excuse for getting up and finding a grown up) after that I put her to bed. She is screaming, so upset at the mere idea of getting into her bed. I ignore the screaming and say "Nite Nite" and close the door.
Twenty minutes later, while I am writing last night's post, she popped out again.
This time Big Papi and I sit with her and read "Horton Hatches an Egg." The Alien is not even close to falling asleep. Well, we put her in her bed and again said "Nite Nite." She responded with a, "Nite Nite Mommy. Nite nite daddy," the usually sign that she is ready to surrender to sleep.
Sleep would not come and this was a game we played all night long.
This morning Big Papi told me that she finally fell asleep for about 20 minutes at 5:00am- and now I am sending her off to the sitter as the crankiest, meanest child on the planet. I almost kept her home because why would I put anyone through the hell that is an exhausted almost two-year old? Both Crazy Grandma and Big Papi out voted me so she is with Kelly.
I need a nap.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Mrs. Rice you are obnoxious and disliked, don’t you know?
So I am a very opinionated person…perhaps too opinionated. The problem with being opinionated is that you are often disliked. Well at least I am.
As many of you know (all six of you who actually read this blog) I am going to college right now. I love being in a classroom, sharing ideas, reading about interesting ideas. Learning about cultures and people who fill my head with so much knowledge I might have to have a bigger hat size at graduation.
But this summer for two classes now I am noticing an alarming trend, my classmates (well a good portion of them) do not like me. They tolerate me, they are polite but I will never be apart of the group. Tonight I went at it when a guy (who I do not think actually reads any of the material for class) said that Castro (yes the Cuba one) has done more for the world than any US politician.
Seriously, you really want to go there? Okay, my school friends Ashleigh and Trish actually nicknamed this guy Snookie in our Russian Politics class because he is an idiot. Well Snookie was the one fawning all over Castro. We were talking about the book Mountains Beyond Mountains- it is written about the incredible Dr. Paul Farmer who is literally saving the world's poor. And while I do appreciate all he is doing I have a problem with Dr. Farmer's high opinion of Cuba's medical standards because Dr. Farmer not only has a medical degree from Harvard but a PhD in anthropology from the school as well. While Dr. Farmer loves the fact that Cubans have what he describes as excellent medical care Dr. Farmer never comments on the brutal dictatorship that led to such amazing medical care. I personally have a problem with that.
Snookie however thinks that Castro is amazing. And I have a problem with that too. Not just the opinion, we're all allowed our opinion (hey my best friend is a Hokie and somehow we have an amazing relationship) but an opinion that is not based on fact. Of course when I said I would have a hard time giving up my freedoms for the sake of free medical care (and yes this is easy for me to say because I am in my nice cozy house with insurance cards for my kids in my wallet) the entire class looked at me like I was a crazy right wing nut.
Snookie said well better not to have freedom than be dead and then one of the giggly girls in my class said "Touché." And then when I commented that Dr. Farmer had no problem complaining about every other government he encountered except for Cuba another girl in the class said "Well they have their medical care in order."
I am happy for the Cubans that they have great medical care according to Dr. Farmer. It is easy to have great medical care when there is no malpractice insurance to pay for.
After this conversation, in which I also said "You didn't learn much from Russian Politics class did you?" (I know super awful, and not the high road Dudepa would be so disappointed) I realized that really none of my regular friends are in the class- and I never felt more alone. I had no backup or at least no one willing to provide backup. Big Papi thinks that people were excited about the "no freedom comment" thrown at me because they are jealous. Oh what? I just know that my life would be so much easier if I just toed the line. I am just not that kind of girl- and frankly we need more people willing to stick their necks out and share their opinions. That is how we make progress people by sharing and listening to ideas. In education especially, when does towing the line become effective? If everyone followed the opinions of everyone else we would be no better than the Cuban government.
Telling this story is not to get my point across about Cuba, make your own opinions. But why is it in almost every situation when I give an opinion I look like a bitch?
In one of my favorite musicals 1776 John Adams sings that he is obnoxious and disliked. Well Mr. Adams I am joining your club. The world needs people like me who are willing to say the things that other people are thinking. I need to get over my wanting to be the most popular girl in school; it just isn't ever going to happen. Instead I am going to stand up for my opinions because I like me obnoxious and all.
So to my classmates I stick my tongue and say "I'm rubber you're glue, and my GPA kicks your GPA's ass"
Countdown to Infinity
So, the countdown is on! Saturday is the Caveman and Alien's first visit to the movies to see Toy Story 3! If you have a three year-old little man then you know all about Buzz Lightyear and the gang. And boy is my little man all about some Buzz lately. Every day we watch Toy Story 2- that is the Caveman's favorite.
The Caveman loves Toy Story so much that he acts out the scenes while the movie is playing. He mimics Buzz's actions and lines. And the Alien is all about Woody, well Woody the doll. We have an original doll from Toy Story when it first came out and the Alien loves him. The other day we couldn't find Woody and you would have thought World War III had broken out. The tears were real and the panic phone call to Big Papi at work did not turn up Woody. That was a fun afternoon.
I have decided to take the kids to the Cinema Café where they can eat pizza while watching the movie. And we are going to the 10:30am showing so that when my little ones are screaming at the screen (Lord please let them not scream at the screen) it should be a bother because there will be a ton of other tiny children screaming at the screen.
And can I give a quick kudos to Big Papi who made a delicious grilled salmon, with rice and sliced apples meal last night so I could shake my bom bom at Zumba. Big help because I had the craziest day at the office and really wanted to eat an entire pizza and that doesn't work with my not eating out/pantry clean out month going on. Plus he had the kids in jammies when I got home and he rushed out the door for basketball.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Mommy, I’m hungry!
So, yesterday I forgot to take out something from the freezer to make for dinner. Grrr, I think that happens too often because in the morning I don't think about it because I am trying to get kids, husband and myself out the door. And there is probably a mom out there who never forgets about pulling out something to defrost from the freezer.
Thank goodness I had an amazing day at the office and a pedicure from Naomi (at another spa- I know but sometimes you need to get away from your work). When I got home with the kids screaming they were hungry. The Caveman was also incredibly excited because a tractor was parked in front of our house (picture to come) so getting him calmed down and making sure he wasn't trying to climb the thing took at least 15 minutes. I looked in the freezer and saw a package of pre-formed hamburger patties from the cook out we had with my in-laws. And then I remembered catching the end of a 30-minute meals episode while folding laudry this weekend that featured Salisbury steak. Yay, dinner solved.
I heated the oven to 350 and lined a baking sheet with foil. I placed the hamburgers on the sheet and sprinkled original Mrs. Dash on both sides. After placing them in the oven I chopped the remaining portion of the onion from Sunday's dinner and cooked them in a little bit of butter and olive oil with a bay leaf, and thyme. Once the onion was translucent put two tablespoons of flour and cooked for about three minutes and then slowly added the remaining chicken stock from a carton from the other night (nothing wasted please). Perfect pan gravy! I also cooked a half bag of egg noodles and found some frozen corn (steam in bag kind are my favorite!).
And the kids ate it- the kids ate it is always a good thing. Also I now know that we are completely out of vegetables with the exception of some left over salad mix that I think might be heading to the compost pile. So I am going to have to go grocery shopping just for veggies and fruits- hello Port Warwick farmer's market!
Plus a big event is coming to our household on Saturday- the Caveman and Alien go to the movies!
Monday, June 14, 2010
To bed, I said!
So, I have never been so happy to see Monday morning! Ah happy Monday where I ship the kids off to Kelly (greatest babysitter on the planet!), This weekend was rough and tough as it was dangerously hot for my little ones to be outside for so long. But yesterday afternoon we are lucky that everyone is still standing.
Actually it started in the morning when we decided to go to church. I took the month of May off because after spending an entire year teaching high school Sunday school (which most stop going to around Spring Break because hello they are working or getting ready for summer) and Financial Peace University I was exhausted. Add some Russian Politics and Sundays became the only day to actually work on stuff. It is also hard to attend church with little kids. We have two choices for times 8:15am- which should be the one we go to because that means we have the rest of the day to get stuff done, or 11:00am which is the one we usually end up going to especially after I started Sunday school.
Big Papi yesterday was working the sound board at the 11:00am service so to the 11:00am service we went and I actually braved bringing the Caveman in to worship so he could participate in Children's Sermon.
After service we went home to have lunch, which I had already made in the crock pot the day before (yay me) chicken and brown rice casserole which I really enjoyed but the rest of the family not so much. Oh well can't please everyone. Big Papi then went to Crazy Grandma's house to pick up our new pillow top mattress for our bedroom. The new bed is what started the meltdown.
In the afternoon I put the swimsuits on the kids and turned on the sprinklers. I love listening to them giggle and shriek from running around the water. After an hour and half we brought them in (the Alien kicking and screaming "Outside") and gave them a snack. Then they lost their minds.
In two hours we had endless amounts of timeouts because not only were they jumping on the new bed they were playing in my closet. Big Papi and I separated our efforts and I stayed in the bedroom and he in the den. Well the kids stayed in the bedroom and after shouting, "no" "stop" "get out," I had enough. I shouted at the top of my lungs, "go to bed!" and Big Papi rushes in and goes "what in the world." At that moment I just crumbled to the ground and cried, cried I like I was the two year old caught in the closet.
The kids were sent to bed- for their own safety. I wanted a martini.
I think the biggest thing is that because of the budget being so tight right now we can't escape. There is no reason to send the kids for an overnight trip to a grandma's house if Big Papi and I aren't going to do anything. But, we will be doing something soon- Saturday is going to be the kids' first trip to a real movie theatre to see Toy Story 3 (we had budgeted special just for the occasion). Of course this all depends on if mommy and Big Papi survive the week.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Planning Problems
So, I realized as I was driving home from work that I had forgotten to take anything out of the freezer for dinner! A major problem given the Alien/Caveman Pantry/Freezer Challenge going on and I cannot simply order in our usual Friday Chinese dinner. Another problem I forgot to stop at the Wawa near work and was stuck in traffic on the interstate when the little gas light came on. So scary at that moment because I did not want to be that jerk who stopped traffic because she was too stupid to put gas in her car. Thankfully I was near an exit but it was a tense 10 minutes while I found a gas station. The first one I went to only had half the pumps working and some giant car cut me off in the wait line. So I went to another gas station about a half mile down the road.
Still the problem of no dinner plans is a big one. What to do with two starving toddlers and to top it all off Big Papi was also stuck in traffic. Luckily we still had some fish sticks from the pack I had purchased at Costco two weeks ago and I added some sliced apples as a side. Perfect toddler friendly meal- yay for me this time but I need to come up with a system so that I don't run into this problem again.
I think most families try to create menus- it is just so hard because what happens if you plan to make meatloaf but don't feel like it on meatloaf night? Or, more likely, you get home after being at work all day long and then you are expected to make dinner.
Moms, I think it is time to bring out our friend- no not the pizza delivery guy- the crock pot.
There is a great blog called A Year of Slow Cooking by Stephanie O'Dea who literally used her slow cooker everyday! For an entire year! If she can do that certainly I could use mine once a week.
The other source I have found is a website called Recipe Key. You put all the ingredients you have on hand and it pulls up thousands of recipes using your ingredients. The best part is it gives you a ranking on how many items you already have.
My other plan is to use Rachael Ray. I know that she isn't everyone's favorite but her 365: No Repeats book is filled with lots of family friendly meals.
So wish me luck my faithful readers, all five of you, as I spend this weekend trying to figure out how we are going to survive this challenge.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Adam Sandler's Lunch Lady has nothing on mommy!
So, the experiment where we are only eating out of our pantry is working fairly well. Tonight's menu was sloppy dogs!
Okay so Big Papi has a thing about bread when it comes to sandwiches. Hamburger buns can never be used as hotdog buns. Ever, no exceptions. As a child he had a terrifying experience with a hotdog in a hamburger bun and has since be completely OCD about bread. So when I told him I was making sloppy joes he informed me, "but we don't have hamburger buns. How can we have sloppy joes without hamburger buns?"
When I explained that we still had a pack of hotdog buns he for the second time this week looked at me like I was growing horns. I think he does this a lot I just don't notice.
As I learned in my Russian Politics class, diplomacy is an incredible gift. Instead of explaining to my husband that buns were buns, and our no spend money on groceries challenge again, I choose the diplomatic route.
"Honey we're having sloppy dogs, not sloppy joes."
Big Papi: "Oh well alright then."
Seriously!? Just change one word and I avoid a depressed Big Papi.
I made the sloppy dogs with a ton of celery (had to use it up it was starting to go south) a tiny bit of red onion left over from the other night, two garlic cloves, one pound of ground sirloin, kosher salt, freshly ground pepper, ground mustard, dried thyme, chili powder, ground coriander seed, a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce and paprika. Once that was browned I added in a large can of crushed tomatoes and became worried because it was too runny for sloppy dogs. So being clever I created a slurry of flour and hot water in a two cup Pyrex measuring cup and poured the slurry into the sloppy mixture. In just a few minutes the sloppy mixture thickened nicely. I also toasted the buns in the oven to help with the messy factor.
As you can see from the Alien's picture it was a success.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Murphy is coming for dinner
So, guess who had a $500.00 car repair bill this week. Oh yeah can I tell you how much it hurts to pay $500 for anything that doesn't involve sandy beaches?
We had the money in the bank, the benefit of being a Dave Ramsey nut, but we are also trying to pay off the last $4000.00 in debt. This last $4000.00 has been so hard because just when we scrap up some extra money well Murphy says, let's visit the repair shop.
The Caveman/Alien household needs to do something dramatic to stretch our budget. Right now we are spending about $100.00 in food/household items which isn't much but last night I was looking at my over stuffed pantry, the deep freezer half full and came up with the greatest idea ever.
I will not grocery shop for an entire month. I will not order take out for an entire month. We will only buy milk and the rest will come from our pantry, freezer, and vegetable garden.
When I told Big Papi this he looked at me like I had grown horns. I believe he thinks he will starve, but really like a good majority of Americans we have a ton of food in the house that is just sitting there. I am a Costco buyer after all. What would happen to my family if we just said lets use what we have on hand?
Imagine what would happen to America if we actually used only what we had on hand?
So keep looking at the blog because I am going to tell you what the Caveman and Alien are eating. And I'll start with tonight's pantry dinner. For the kids we still had two hamburgers and buns left over from Crazy Grandma's birthday party; dinner for little people done. As for Big Papi and myself we enjoyed a make shift stir fry with sauce using sweet red peppers I had picked up from the farmer's market, a bell pepper from our garden, an onion, some boneless chicken thighs from the party I hadn't cooked and some leftover chicken broth to make into sauce. I served that over brown rice and we also made a simple salad with grape tomatoes, cucumbers, and dressing. I also took hotdog rolls and toasted them in the oven to stretch out the meal. Yum-I am extremely proud of the results and dinner only took about 20 minutes. Plus I have enough leftovers for Big Papi's lunch tomorrow- well not of the rice but there is an extra roll to make the mixture into a sandwich.
I know this is crazy- and I can just see Crazy Grandma looking at this and thinking we are going to starve her grandchildren. The grandchildren will be fine, I promise.
Monday, June 7, 2010
“Mini Mona”
So, we had the ant cupcakes at Crazy Grandma's birthday party. The Caveman was excited to host a party with balloons and pink pointy party hats.
The only person who didn't want to participate is the Alien who Crazy Grandma is now calling "MM" (stands for Mini-Mona, I guess the Alien in her two year old self has striking similarities to my two year old self). First the Alien woke up from her nap screaming, on the floor, and looked confused. I picked her up, changed her diaper, and brought her out to the pink princess party where all her favorite people were. Nope, wanted no part, her chubby fingers clung to my shirt like it was a life preserver. We tried everything to get her to calm down. Big Papi took her; we put her back in the room, offered her a drink, and then by magic when we said would you like a snack she was suddenly okay.
That's when the comparisons between my daughter and I got very interesting.
I have written about my struggle with my body image before, especially what I believe is my habit of emotional eating. Well Crazy Grandma points out "Look an emotional eater like her mother." And I look at my perfect little girl with the bluest eyes I have ever seen and wonder as I give her five organic animal cookies in a bowl if I am setting her up for a battle like mine.
And it continues, of course in front of everyone which is embarrassing about how I should talk to my therapist about this. Guess what Crazy Grandma my in-laws (who were also in the room) I don't believe I told about my therapy. Big Papi and I recently came clean about the six months of marriage counseling we completed last year. And I may have mentioned it, but it felt like a violation, an innocent mistake, but not something I want mention to the other half of the Alien and Cavemen family unit; at least not by anyone else but me.
My mother-in-law doesn't look when I get a second helping of food. Doesn't say anything when I give the kids a cookie, and Crazy Grandma doesn't either but when she makes comments about my daughter's emotional eating it make me pause because what internal dialogue is she saying in her mind?
I am proud of myself that the therapy is working, and I didn't have my usually dramatic reaction or pity party session about my mother's comments. Instead I didn't give a look or comment I simply went on with the party and proudly had an ant cupcake with the rest of them. And they all smiled when the Alien had green grass icing all over her face.
I am not making my mother out to be a bad person, she means well. My mother always means well, she always means well. I could hear her in the background as I was trying to soothe the Alien "Mona is so much better with her than I was with Mona when she was the Alien's age." For my mother that is an olive branch I gladly take. Her opinion of me matters more than anyone else, I have no idea why. But I know by writing this and publishing it I am up for a discussion. The topic may be that I am of course over reacting that they were innocent comments and I shouldn't make the situation all about me. If the Alien is now "MM" then how can I not make it about Big Mona? Or it could simply be something we don't talk about.
I guess I need to warn those fans who live in the Alien and Cavemen universe as I am trying to write daily they may pop into the story. This is not the Alien and Caveman story but mine and I am going to own it.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Blueberries and BlackBerries
So yesterday I made homemade blueberry muffins.
Okay first let me explain how much I love blueberry muffins because really good ones are hard to find. They can't be too sweet but just sweet enough. And one warm with creamy butter is really like nirvana. When I get to heaven I want St. Pete there with a welcome basket of homemade blueberry muffins, champagne chicken, the mushroom soup I had at Sonoma Wine Bar in Virginia Beach, and my entire meal from Hominy Grill in Charleston, South Carolina. Calm down folks it s heaven calories will no longer count, I hope.
And these were perfect because I used the Ina Garten recipe for them! Any recipe from her that I have made has been perfection!
And best of all the Alien and Caveman loved the muffins too! They actually love watching me mix things in my KitchenAid Ultra Power Stand Mixer. The Alien will look into the bowl and just say, "ooooooooo!" The Caveman is a little more direct "That is going to be yummy in my tummy!" Oh course baking with toddlers is an experience because you have to make sure tiny fingers don't go after raw dough or worse crowd you so that you actually can't work. But I love that the kids want to bake with mommy.
I also made muffins because I was feeling guilty about the fact that I had to attend a Saturday class for my essay class for school. I left the kids and Big Papi getting ready for the Caveman's swimming lesson while I made the long trek to class.
I got half way to class and realized that I didn't charge my Blackberry and didn't have the car charger. So I had no contact with the outside world, which is a blessing and a curse because it is nice for people not being able to find you but the anxious feeling of not being able to find out at a moment's notice what the children are up to isn't really worth not having a fully charged BlackBerry.
And boy, were the children up to something. According to Big Papi after he brought the kids back from swimming he fell asleep on the couch and when he woke up he found the Alien happily eating one of the blueberry muffins (including paper) on the floor in front of him. He got up and saw that I had left the muffins high on a counter where we thought tiny hands couldn't reach. He also saw that four muffins were missing and a paper wrapper was on the floor. Big Papi asked the Caveman if he helped his sister get the muffins and the Caveman denied the action, but again he had a blueberry smear on his face. Both kids were sent to their rooms until I got home.
I laugh at the story because I wasn't there to get angry. Plus who naps with toddlers on the loose! We're lucky to have a house left because when Big Papi sleeps he is dead to the world. If I were a toddler I would have gotten the permanent markers and drawn on daddy! Again this is easiest for me to think because I am right now in school mode and don't have to clean up the messes as much as he does.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wild Kingdom
So my house is quickly turning in to Wild Kingdom!
As you all know we had Bunny Watch 2010 the other day and you would think that would be the end of it. No not at all.
Last night as I was putting in a movie for the children so that I could start dinner I felt something crawling across my exposed toes in my favorite Old Navy pink flip flops. Sure enough the biggest bug ever is crawling across my foot. Jumping I throw the bug of my foot and it crawls away under the entertainment stand. Well I haven't been in the room since! Well not really but I am not willing to go look for the bug.
We have a rule in our house; I pushed out children so Big Papi has to deal with creepy crawlies. And this spring and summer the city has been doing work on our drainage system in our neighborhood so all sorts of gross things have made their way into my home. So he has to deal with the traps and removal of gross things. And when he pushes out a five pound human being from an opening of only 10cm then I'll take my turn at removing the creepy crawlies.
I called Big Papi only mere moments after rescuing my foot from the giant bug and he tells me that yes he will look for the bug when he gets home. I think he lied to me because I have seen the bug now two more times.
On the second occasion I was picking up toys in the same room where there it was, coming after me like it had its guns pointed on stun. I scream for Big Papi, who I think has developed the thing where husbands ignore wives until the screaming gets to high pitch frequencies. So Big Papi comes in, very slowly I might add what if I were on fire, and I point in the general direction of where the bug is, near a pillow and a toy. He picks up the toy and sees the bug and jumps three times like a monkey while screaming like a little girl and the bug escapes under the couch! I of course am laughing and wishing I had at least the BlackBerry out to record this man screaming like a tiny little girl.
Okay, this is a 6'7 mountain of a man against a fairly big bug. In the middle of this the tiny Alien comes over with her sandal clad shoe and steps on the bug which is why the bug went under the couch. So the Alien is braver than her parents apparently. I am now completely upset and I want him to turn the couch over and get the bug!
Of course in the middle of my panicking that while I am watching a Netflix movie the bug will appear and eat me, Big Papi reminds me that he is leaving for basketball. Basketball at a time of crisis for our household as it is under siege. He is going to abandon his wife and small children to a evil bug to play basketball?
Big Papi went to basketball and I haven't been in the TV room since.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Cupcake Summit 2010
So it is Crazy Grandma's 50th birthday next Monday and the most excited person is the Caveman. I guess at three years old the prospect of a birthday, any one's birthday, is an exciting event.
Together he and I have poured over the books Hello Cupcake and What's New Cupcake, and have decided to make Crazy Grandma the Ant Cupcakes (which look super easy). Then I made the mistake of letting the Caveman look further into the cupcake book and he saw it, the race car cupcake.
You know as a sidebar I need to say that the past few weeks I have been immersed in Russian politics because of a class I was taking for school. We spoke a lot about the relations between western countries and the former Soviet Union especially negotiations on arms agreements in the 1970s. Well sorry Mr. Kissinger you have nothing on a mommy trying to convince a very excited three year old that the race car cupcake, while cute and fun, may not be the best choice for a grown up's birthday. I kept trying to get him back to the ants but he kept going on and on about the race car cupcakes. Plus he wanting balloons, presents, and party hats for the birthday girl- my what a party planner I have on hand.
Then it hit me- if I did the cake in purple glitter it would kind of rock and fit my mom's personality. So now I am going to wait and see what I can come up with. Luckily Crazy Grandma is flexible with the grandchildren's choices. And this is a very good lesson for the Caveman to have that celebrating another person's birthday is actually way more fun than your own.
So stay tuned my faithful readers, all five of you, we will find out which cupcakes prevailed.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
So the Bunny didn't make it.
Dr. Richie said the Bunny was malnourished, dehydrated and of course had major lacerations from the encounter with our cat Zeus.
I was worried that when I got home the kids would be asking about the Bunny, but thankfully I had Zumba class so if there were questions Big Papi was there to answer them.
We have a new schedule in the Caveman/Alien household this summer because of course mommy is in school.
Monday I have class- if it is in person the kids will go to Normal Grandma's house which they love
Tuesday I have Zumba class and Big Papi has basketball- we are planning on trading the kids at the YMCA like divorced parents.
Wednesday I have class and see Monday
Thursday same as Tuesday
Friday- as soon as I am up to it I plan on adding a third Zumba class which I hope is also going to be shared with Big Papi
Saturday- we have swimming lessons for the Caveman, and then that is the day for homework, household chores, and outdoor fun
Sunday- ah the day of rest again we will probably use that for true family time.
Just looking at this I am wondering, "What was I thinking?" If you know a working adult with kids going back to school give them a round of applause and offer to make dinner. I often feel guilt when I am in class because first Big Papi has to take on a lot while I am in school. Next comes the guilt about the kids and that I am not spending enough time with them. This especially comes when people ask me what I plan to use my degree and I have no answer.
A part of me knows that getting the degree is actually selfish. If I don't need the degree why am I spending so much time away from my family to get one? It isn't like the degree is a bad thing but it is definitely something I want to finish. I want the kids with me in May 2012 to see mommy finishing what she started. And the Alien has never known life without mommy being in class. I want them to see the struggle so that when they are in their early 20s they make different and better choices.
The new semester begins tonight and so begins the guilt.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Bunny Rabbits Are Not For Eating Kitty Cat!
So, this morning after putting the Caveman to sleep early because he lied I was still feeling bad about it. But of course as little kids do the Caveman burst into my bedroom and jumped on the bed giving me a big smack on the lips and told me he loved me. There really is no better way to wake up in the morning.
And then he told me about the baby rabbit.
I am not sure if I have told you about our cat Zeus. We have had Zeus since the Caveman was only about 9 months old. And Zeus, like many cats, like to chase things in the yard and bring them into the house still alive. Big Papi is getting pretty good with bird removal and I have no sympathy for mice. But when I saw the tea cup sized bunny rabbit in the plastic shoe box my heart melted. The Caveman and Alien household does not let baby bunnies die on their watch. So Big Papi texted Dr. Richie (who is a really awesome vet btw) and he said he would have a look.
Of course the Caveman was so excited about the baby bunny. He even brought toys for the baby bunny to play with and wanted to feed him carrots. And I know I have a veggie garden and should want the cat to get rid of any animals who threaten it but come on a baby bunny the size of a tea cup? I don't think so.
I also told Big Papi that under no circumstance were we keeping the bunny! The house is finally getting cleaned and adding another life form to it just isn't going to work.
I will keep everyone posted on Bunny Watch 2010.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Liar, Liar!
So the Caveman is in big trouble. He lied, we know he lied but we don't know what to do about it. The Caveman is three with an active imagination that I want him to keep but I am afraid that if I don't get this lying thing under control it will lead to other problems.
We caught the lie when we went into his room and saw that the amour in there was open. It is an antique, not expensive enough to worry about being in a three year old's room but nice enough that I don't want him messing with it. The amour has two doors, a smaller square one and a larger one, that need a key to open them. I keep the key on the top of the amour and the doors shut because they have things like kid Tylenol and other dangerous yet necessary items. So when I saw the tiny door open and the key missing I knew who had done it.
First the Caveman blamed the Alien, which could be potentially true, but I had my doubts. I actually had the Alien climb on the stepping stool and saw there was no way she could reach the key hole let alone open the thing. The Caveman was busted! But, he kept lying! And he continued.
Tears, screaming, and they didn't all belong to the Caveman, we sent him to bed where he cried himself to sleep.
I might be making a mountain out of a mole hill, I have a habit of doing that, but I feel like this moment in the Caveman's life is important. I believe that parenting really is like being on a beach where I draw a line in the sand. Sometimes the Caveman and Alien have to cross the line and it is up to me to bring them back to me or let them cross the line. The Caveman jumped over the line today and I am not sure I can get him back.
Do three year olds even understand the concept of lying? And how do I punish him, time out? Take away something? I just don't know because I don't think he understands what he has done. The other problem is I never want him to be so afraid of telling the truth, or standing up for it, and just follow what the crowd is saying. There is a sinking feeling in the back of my mind that I will be having this conversation a lot. Oh boy.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Right Fit
So, the Caveman was with me this morning on the bed when the Alien comes in carrying her favorite pink tennis shoes shouting, "shoes!!!" The Caveman turned to me and said, "Mommy, I'm scared." To which I replied "Caveman, with the right shoes any woman can be scary!"
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Would you rather be skinny with an ugly face or fat with a pretty face?
how about a person with a healthy attitude
So close, yet so far
So today was a monstrous occasion in the Alien and Caveman household… the swing set is ready to be complete!
Actually the swing set is simply known as The Park and I am capitalizing it because well for the last year it has been a character of the house that frankly has caused more tears , head aches and fights between Big Papi and I than almost any other issue. I guess I should explain that we did not purchase The Park for the kids, Crazy Grandma did who also just left it saying put this together. This is a woman who for fun built a deck and tears down walls talking to two individuals who barely can hang pictures on the wall. If you have not had the joy of putting together a child's playground let me say right now weatherboarding is probably more fun.
But, Big Papi said that he was up for the job. I wanted to immediately hire a crew of workers to put the thing together but Big Papi wanted to do it himself. He actually had a group of guys come over once including Dr. Richie but I think that was more for the beer drinking than actual construction. The guys did build the frame of The Park and then it sat there for seven months, seven long months. Big Papi is never a man to rush through anything and goes at his own pace. In fact in a race against the Tortuous I truly believe that Big Papi could wait him out. Months and months of bits and pieces of playground all over the yard until finally I tell Big Papi finish the damn thing already.
So he did- first enlisting a friend from church to help get the frame right- then he finally put on the slide so the kids could at least use that. Then for months the monkey bars were kind of attached- in fact I think the only reason that The Park got put together at all was the fact that Crazy Grandma put an entire swing set together in her own backyard in a weekend. With the bits and pieces from her set and a little muscle from Dudepa it looked like the thing would finally be done.
This afternoon I was outside with the kids as Big Papi was drilling holes to put brackets in to hang the swings- the very last thing to go on. He had four to do and on the last one just as we were getting excited that finally this home project would be complete I heard the sound of Big Papi saying (in grown up language) ah sugar. The drill bit he was using for the very last hole snapped in half with half in the drill and the other half in The Park. The last piece and we are stopped.
I knew Big Papi would be upset- I would have a full out temper tantrum. Instead he simply breathed a deep breath and said "Let's go out to dinner."
And we did which is its own big adventure for another time but this whole swing set episode reminds me why the Big Papies of the world are so important. You need people in a crisis to just simply breathe. I need a man that forces me to slow down. Some of the best lessons in life I have learned from my husband- the importance of comfy clothes at the end of the world day (which really means leave work at work) when in doubt slow down and think things through and sometimes goals are going to take longer than expected. The importance is to finish them. And other times it is better to walk away than to force a decision just because you want to get things done- you might reach a better conclusion this way.
So we have an almost completed swing set, but better yet we have the best daddy ever.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Breaking News!
So, breaking news…. The Alien is fighting the Caveman and winning! She currently has her butt on his head. I am not sure why I find this funny but the Alien is a foot shorter than the Caveman- and to see her kick his butt inspires me to know that in the future she will agree that "boys are stupid throw rocks at them"
Lets Make a Deal
So I spent the day in the hot sun trying to sell all the baby items possible. Yes I am reclaiming my house from bumbos, boppies, and bottles- oh my! Big Papi and I placed all the items carefully on the tables, priced fairly, and the waited. And waited, and waited.
Several people showed up but looked at the majority of baby items and proceeded to explain that they didn't need item, but boy did we have a lot. There were a few customers who asked about the practically new play yard (which retail would be over $150.00) and balked at the $20.00 price tag. I mean I realize it is a yard sale- but still how cheap are you? I made sure that everything was fairly priced. We made a total of just over $100.00.
Next weekend we'll haul everything out again- only this time we are going to take our earnings and buy a newspaper ad to get actual people looking for baby items.
Anyone thinking of buying baby stuff should check out yard sales- most stuff was barely used or in our case unused. After all a baby is only a baby for so long. Think of the savings, and the environmental aspect if everyone just purchase a few used things for a new baby. And then someone mentioned that I should just donate the items to a charity- hello I am the mommy of two kids under the age of four I am a charity.
I just want to make a dent in the $4000 left in our debt snow ball- and make room for the incredible lap top desk Crazy Grandma purchased for me for my birthday. If you would like take a look at the desk Verona Cabinet Desk - Desks - Cost Plus World Market. I am longing to study and work on this blog- yes I know I don't keep up with it enough- on the desk a small space that is just mine.
The one nice thing about today was I got to meet my neighbors of three years- and the kids were at Crazy Grandma's all day. Plus I did get rid of some things from an old boyfriend that been in a box forever.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Twas The Afternoon Before Mother’s Day
So, it is the day before mother's day, and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a Caveman or mouse.
A martini was cold, stirred with care, in hopes that no children soon would be there.
The children were with Big Papi at McDonalds while visions of Happy Meals danced in their heads. And Big Papi with his task at hand to bring a true Mother's Day to me by taking the children on an errand or two. That's right folks I just wanted a quiet and calm afternoon.
Because earlier that day when the afternoon sun was high in the sky, there arose such a clatter that I sprang from my lawn chair to see what was the matter. Well I at least looked up and wanted a flask, as I saw my children fighting in the grass.
The freshly mowed lawn gave way to such a sight, that the Caveman and Alien were not beings angels but instead were a fright. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a very large Big Papi with the power to make two small children disappear.
With a little plan, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be the plan to pick! More rapid than eagles my course was clear and I shouted and begged Big Papi, my dear.
"Now Big Papi, Now Caveman Now Alien. On ward to a shower and then to the porch. Now dash away! Dash Away! Dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, when I met with an obstacle call Big Papi on the fly. "Mother's Day isn't until tomorrow! You are stuck with all of us, and I want no fight from you!"
But, then in a twinkling I heard a tiny voice "Daddy I want to go bye bye" the prancing and pawing of each little hand on Big Papi forced a decision change. As I drew in my head, and was turning around, inside the house the children and Big Papi came with a bound.
Quickly there were showers and then the children were dressed. The Alien in an adorable yellow sundress and with much screaming and crying the Caveman finally placed on his feet the Old Navy flip flops- how sweet.
My eyes-how they twinkled! The Caveman's dimples could not be more merry! The Alien's cheeks were like roses, and Big Papi was as red as a cherry! His droll mouth was drawn down like a bow, and the beard of his chin was black not at all like snow.
A moment of brief pause before he grabbed the money envelope. With a final glance back he closed the door and loaded the SVU with his children. Within a few moments he drove out of sight and I said to myself "A happy mother's day to all, and to all moms a peacefully quiet afternoon!"
Happy Mother's Day!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Living | Local boy with cancer turns into a superhero for a day | Seattle Times Newspaper
Living | Local boy with cancer turns into a superhero for a day | Seattle Times Newspaper
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Come On Down Caveman
So the Caveman had his first children's sermon and survived!
The Alien and Caveman household members are Lutherans and as Lutherans we believe in a few things:
- Coffee should be served at every church event
- Change should be slow- real slow
- Children's sermons are really for grown ups
The children's sermon is when the pastor invited the children in the congregation to join him and share a lesson based on the gospel for that service. Big Papi and I normally leave the Alien and Caveman in the nursery because the kids do not understand that worship is a time to be silent. Today, however, I wanted to test the Caveman's tolerance and he did great- especially since service went long because there were four baptisms. One of the benefits of being in service is the children's sermon. Our pastor saw AJ running down and scooped him right up and put him on his lap. Our pastor has three grown sons so one single Caveman does not bother the pastor. The Caveman squirmed and wiggled but he stayed put.
What all this tells me is that my baby is fast becoming a little man. He is still very much a caveman but he is becoming a civilized one.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Genuinely Happy
So, today we head back home and I learned so much during this trip.
The first thing is that again Dave Ramsey lived up to the expectations in my head. And I wouldn't mind spending more time learning from him. The new goal in my life is attending the 7-day series in less than two years. I think I can do it, no I know I can.
The other thing is this- Charleston has taught me a lot about service. In every restaurant, historic sight, and even in the hotel every employee said hello to me. There was never an empty glass, or a dirty dish. The people serving me were always smiling and seem genuinely happy that I was there. I want to be that person in my life when I get back. I want people to know that I genuinely am happy that they are there.
My business is about to change- I am no longer going to accept excuses from my workers who cannot be genuinely happy that the client is in front of them. I am no longer going to worry about people at church who are not genuinely happy to be there. And I am going to show the Caveman and Alien everyday that mommy is genuinely happy that God choose me to be their mommy.
So dearest Charleston I am genuinely happy that I was a guest- and I am genuinely sad that I have to leave so soon.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Dave Ramsey and Pudding in One Day
So Dave Ramsey is awesome!
His entire team is awesome!
And my husband is awesome!
Hominy Grill is awesome!
And yes, I know more adjectives than awesome, but awesome is the perfect word to sum up yesterday's 1-day EntreLeadership event. And note Dude-pa and Crazy Grandma- we are so taking you to one! And we are so going to work our tails off so we can go to the seven day conference hopefully next fall- but if not then 2012!
Do you remember when you are five and it is Christmas Eve? You are in bed trying your best to fall asleep, but you're too excited! Listening for Santa's footprints on the roof and wondering what he'll bring. As a grown up Dave Ramsey is my Santa, not that he is an old man with a bowl full of jelly (actually he looks like he is in great shape). For the past year Dave Ramsey has been an extended member of the Caveman and Alien household. It is Dave's voice that pops into my head when I am about to yell at my husband for something. It is Dave's voice when I want to dip into a savings account because I feel like I need a new dress. No, I don't need a new dress Dave says in my mind that I need to honor my goal of debt freedom.
EntreLeadership is a course he has created for small business owners because he started his company, Lampo, out of his living room. Just him, two other guys, and Dave's wife creating one of the best financial brands in the country which has led to one of the best brands in talk radio. As a small business owner myself I can appreciate the first step into business. Crazy Grandma actually started our company with literally herself, a massage table, and one client (who we still have) that she thought would be a pervert who actually snores during all his massages. This was in 1996 and 14 years later we are deciding to move to the next step in our journey. We are also working on how to transition in a family business. Dave told us that only 37% of family businesses survive when the 1st generation transitions power to the 2nd generation and that only 3% survive when the 3rd generation comes on board. This is why conferences like these are critical, in my mind, when running a business.
And Dave was amazing. Fun, and energetic and you knew that he was passionate about small business owners succeeding. He also went over how to include your spouse in the business decisions, and that was a big aha for me.
Today is Big Papi's birthday and I have arranged for what I think is a big surprise for him in Charleston. This trip, while I miss the kids, has been worth it. Charleston is a beautiful city. If you get a chance go to Hominy Grill in Downtown Charleston. This is a tiny restaurant with a big reputation. I have the pecan crusted pork chop with a peach sauce with mustard greens and on the side cucumbers and onions. OMG!!!!!! The pork chop was so juicy and tender, the mustard greens perfect with a slight smokiness, and the cucumbers and onions were in vinegary brine that brought me back to childhood when my mom would simply cut up a big cucumber dump some white vinegar on it and let me go to town. If you have never had that I feel sorry for you. Then I had homemade chocolate pudding- so not fair to jello, you have been replaced. Big Papi had a bowl of she-crab soup (which is one of his favorite soups) then he had fried green tomato BLT sandwich with potato salad that actually had a parsley vignegrette instead of the typical and heavy mayonnaise. He had the coconut cream pie.
The best part about Hominy was not only the fact that I wanted to pick up my plate and lick the sauce off. No the staff was such a great example of what Dave taught us that day. While our regular waiter was busy with another order, one of the other waiters noticed that Big Papi was done with his she-crab soup and needed a drink refill. He happily took away the dirty bowl and brought the tea pitcher for Big Papi. I then noticed that our waiter did the same thing for a completely different waiter's section. The manager cheerfully busted a table while a runner brought our dinner and made sure we had everything we needed. I don't know if they do tip sharing but what an amazing example of the entire team putting the customer first. So unlike other restaurants where you see staff hanging out or disappearing for cigarette breaks, no Hominy Grill puts their guests first! I know I should try other places, but boy do they have big shoes to fill!
More to come later and I am loving the fact that this morning when I woke up all I saw was Big Papi sleeping in his Superman pajamas and the Caveman was not between us in his Spiderman pajamas. Already a DC and Marvel comic book war in the Caveman/Alien household!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Guilt Sucks
So, I am feeling this weird emotion that as a mom I haven't felt before: guilt.
I am not the kind of mommy that has turned my entire life in about my children- but we arrived safely into Charleston and we of course called my sister in law to let her know that we arrive safely. Well thanks to FaceBook I knew that the kids went to the zoo today- a place that I hate- and well I am missing my Alien and Caveman. A lot!
The Caveman got on the phone and I heard about a train ride and seeing giraffes and then he said "Mommy are you going to pick me up?" Well, I did not cry, but I am sad. Of course Big Papi being a man heard all this and feels nothing! In fact right now he is taking a nap. A nap!
I need chocolate- thank goodness there is none in our room. I know that they are safe and happy. I also know that a mom and dad need to recharge our batteries. So why do I feel so guilty?
Well good news is I get to see Dave Ramsey live tomorrow!
Sticky Fingers barbeque tonight!
Charleston or Bust!
So, it is officially 6:20am and on any normal day I would be trying to desperately to find a few more moments of precious sleep.
But, not today!
Today Big Papi and I start our great adventure. Now I am not sure y'all are aware but I am a serious goal setter- nothing good happens by chance. So here are my goals for this trip:
- To see Dave Ramsey
- To not fight with Big Papi
- To not worry about the fact that my office may have either no therapists or clients when I get back since there is no grown up in charge
- To soak in as much Charleston as possible
- To be thankful and grateful for the opportunities to do the following
- Be with my husband
- Travel
- Not have to clean poo from a tiny bottom for six days.
- Be with my husband
More updates to follow, yay!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Oh where oh where did my little people go?
So guess who is going on vacation? Alone, no children!
Yes Big Papi and I will be Charleston, SC this week to see Dave Ramsey's EntreLeadership 1-Day event. We also plan to have a romantic dinner at Magnolias and also plan to eat as much low-country cooking possible.
And up until yesterday the highlight was the fact that the Caveman and Alien are spending the week at Grandma's house! But this morning as we dropped off Big Papi at work (we rented a car which we picked up at lunch time- Big Papi is driving it right now) I realized that I am going to be childless for a whole week.
This weird feeling is in the pit of my stomach like when your high school crush asks someone else to prom feeling. Right now all I can think about is I want Caveman kisses. And the Alien, so freaking cute I can't stand it. As a mommy I now understand the term the distance makes the heart grow fonder. It has only been a few hours and once we get on the road and get going I know I will get over this achiness feeling. But right now I am looking at a pile of freshly washed Alien dresses and Caveman shorts and wondering why Cars isn't on.
Keep a look out for special blog post about childless parents on holiday.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Caveman this is not an all you can eat buffet!
So, several revelations today in the Caveman/Alien universe.
The first is that ha ha Crazy Grandma was wrong! See the Caveman has to wear glasses but the problem with this is that the Caveman is a three year old force of nature and often the glasses are not on his face. In fact I know I am a terrible mother to admit this but his glasses have been lost more than he has actually worn them. Crazy Grandma being a typical grandma thought the solution would be to get the Caveman more durable glasses with the hook looking arms. Well the nice people at the eye glass shop told her that no matter what the Caveman is three and well three year old boys are prone to getting to know their eye shop professionals as they need adjustments at least every month. Plus, the glasses that Big Papi and I selected were ideal for his daily use. Now Crazy Grandma tried to say she wanted to get another pair of glasses because his were lost, and that I will give her partial credit for. But, the sweet victory of the eye glass professional saying that the mom actually selected an appropriate pair of glasses despite the misgivings of a grandma is simply priceless.
The second is a list of everything the Caveman ate today. One brown sugar pop tart, a three pack of Chick-fil-a breakfast minis, a full size Chick-fil-a chicken biscuit, two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (well the middles) a pint of strawberries, a few chocolate chip cookies, a pack of Annie's Homegrown Chocolate Bunny Grahams, and a bowl of pork fried rice. What in the world! He is three, and the only reason he had the chicken biscuit was that the restaurant put an extra in the bag. While waiting to meet Crazy Grandma and the glasses shop I brought the Caveman to work with me. I put the extra biscuit on the desk to give to a co-worker when I turned around and the Caveman was eating the biscuit. The peanut butter sandwiches, strawberries, and chocolate chip cookies were with Crazy Grandma. But still what in the world is going on with the Caveman? Big Papi claims it is just a growth spurt but still- tomorrow I am completely making the biggest salad for lunch because I think he is going to need to be cleaned out.
The third is when the Alien is pissed off everyone knows about it. Friday nights usually means take out, I know not original but after a long week between teaching, working, writing and studying I just need a night off. I wanted Chinese and it is always faster if Big Papi picks up the order. He normally goes by himself but decided to bring the Caveman along. The problem with this is that while Big Papi was getting the Caveman ready to go the Alien was getting herself ready to go as well. With a hat on her head as the boys headed out she believed that she was going right along with Daddy and Caveman. Big Papi tried to get her to hang out with me in the back of the house in the "man room" but she is clever and ran out after she heard the front door close. Going through the house crying "Dahey Dahey" the Alien was looking for Big Papi when all the sudden Big Papi came back into the house because God forbid he go out into the rain barely five feet to his car without a hoodie. The Alien cheerfully greets Big Papi and then becomes heartbroken as he and the Caveman leave without her.
You know when you stub your toe so hard the wind get knock out of you and it is at least 30 seconds before you scream out in pain. Well that my faithful reader is the cry the Alien had after Big Papi left without her. She screamed so loudly I am surprised the neighbors did not hear. The only way to get her to calm down was to first show her baby pictures of herself (my she is vain) and allow her to pull Kleenexes out of the box.
Tomorrow expect another great adventure- we sign up the Caveman for preschool! OMG seriously I might faint.
A Conversation with the Caveman
So the Caveman is starting to see the difference between boys and girls.
Thank goodness he isn't pointing out body parts or anything but at three it is interesting that he notices the differences. Sometimes when he is in a mood he'll point and say "Mommy I'm going to turn you into a girl" like that is a bad thing. Or he will point out "Mommy the Alien is a girl and I am a boy."
I wanted to get to the bottom of this so I interviewed the Caveman.
Mommy: What does it mean to be a boy?"
Caveman: "Because I don't like you"
Mommy: "So if you're a boy you don't like them?"
Caveman: "I like boys and I like girls too?"
Mommy: "What do you like best about girls?"
Caveman: "No! I've got sticky feet."
Mommy: "Can boys love boys?"
Caveman: "I love boys, I have to go potty"
Mommy: "Who are the girls?"
Caveman: "They go potty. Its hero time"
Mommy: "So are boys and girls different?"
Caveman: "yes"
Mommy: "how are they different?"
Caveman: "You be Dora"
Mommy: "Caveman what does Mommy do at work?"
Caveman: "Goes to school, do homework"
Mommy: "How do I do homework?"
Caveman: "You get the papers"
Mommy: "What about Daddy what is your favorite thing about Daddy?"
Caveman: "He does monies"
Mommy: "What about the Alien?"
Caveman: "Nite Nite"
Mommy: What is your favorite thing about yourself?
Caveman: "Be Diego and Sportacus too"
Mommy: "If you could have anything in the world what would it be?"
Caveman: "Green"
Mommy: "What does Sessy do?"
Caveman: "Read books"
Mommy: "Dude-pa?"
Caveman: "Takes walks"
Mommy: "Pa-Pa?"
Caveman: "Helps open my presents"
Mommy: "Titi?"
Caveman: "She does homework too like you Mommy but I do homework too from my own computer. Guess what it is green!"
Mommy: "What about Grandma?"
Caveman: "Her make lunch and read books like you Mommy"
Mommy: "So do you have anything you want to share with our readers?"
Caveman: "That my monies. To put them in the piggy bank in my pig. Yes, and I want to be Sportacus and Diego. I want to be the boys. You're a girl- that means go potty and boys too. It hero time!"
Mommy: "Caveman, what does it mean to be a hero?"
Caveman: "It is pretend but I am not going to stomp on you. I'm going to be nice"
Caveman you are smarter than mommy gives you credit for sometimes.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Ten Times the Charm
So, the morning the Alien tested all my abilities.
I guess when you know that you are cute and adorable you feel the need to get away with things. Mornings are not my best time of day, I am really good about mid day- if only the children in the household would get on board with this plan of not waking up until 11. Well that and also my job but anyways so I am not the most approachable in the morning. Yet this morning was different. I immediately got up fought the Caveman over him getting out of the bathroom so mommy could do her business. Had my ten minutes of devotional time things are looking good.
Until I walk into the living room and see all the kids' books all over the floor surrounding the Alien. Now I know I should be excited that she wants to look at the book and I am but there is no need to ever have the amount of the children's section of Barnes and Noble on my living room floor while reading. I told the Alien, "time to clean up!" which she responded "NO!"
The Alien has learned the word no in many ways particularly to her brother saying "No! Mine!" She sometimes reminds me of the creepy green hobbit thing from the Lord of the Rings "my own my precious." And since I understand the longing to have stuff I can appreciate that she does not want the Caveman to take her things. Plus it is hilarious to listen to her say "No! Mine!" Well that is until it happens to you.
With books on the floor I pick the Alien up and plant her on the floor and say "Clean Up" and then comes the first of ten count them ten hissy fits so loud I wonder if the neighbors think I am abusing this child. Ten trips to the time out corner and finally the Alien picked up the books.
This makes me think that is this just the beginning of many battles over stuff like cleaning? My hope is that by drawing my line in the sand now before she is two that the battles over skirt length when she is 13 won't be as bad.
I think I understand why my mom drank so much wine when I was a teenager.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Thank Heaven For Little Aliens
So, the difference between boys and girls is simply amazing.
This morning as I am sitting in my bedroom hearing the sounds of Big Papi and the Caveman play fighting in the Caveman's bedroom the Alien walks in. I haven't really written much about the Alien because well she was a baby and the second one doesn't surprise you as much as the first. I think having them so close also affects the surprise factor because the Caveman was not even two when I had the Alien so I was already dealing with bottles and diapers and lots of sleepless nights.
But, lately boy the Alien is really coming into her own! No longer just a side kick for the Caveman, the Alien is playing on her own, making decisions and is getting into trouble all on her own too. Her favorite crime is playing with the toilet. Thanks Alien, I already spend more time there than the average 30-year old because the Caveman thinks he needs to either go potty or brush his teeth every five minutes. Now because of her toilet fascination I am forced to keep the toilet completely clean because we all know what goes on down there. Add a 20-month old to the mix and it isn't pretty. And before you comment (all five of you) telling me about the fact I could child proof the potty you do not have a three year old little boy being potty trained and from the time he tells me he needs to go pee pee I have about 30 seconds to get him not only to the bathroom, pull down his pants, and then get him on the potty. If you add me unlocking the toilet every time to that mix and well there would be a lot of mommy cleaning the bathroom floor.
The Caveman never wanted to play with the toilet. Of course I could be blocking that out like most women block out the pain from childbirth. After all, we know that it happened but somehow foreget when a new baby is placed in our arms.
The Alien does just play with the toilet though; she is the girliest girl I have seen in a long time. Unlike the Caveman who would do anything to avoid getting his nails cut, the Alien sits there and giggles. But, the Caveman will go to time out serve his time and be done with it. The Alien goes through several octave changes before settling on scream level 12 and then continues to get out of the time out corner so many times instead of a one-minute time out she gets a 20-minute time out.
She already wants to play with dolls and even when she eats she is neater than the Caveman. The Alien is all little girl, and I would not have it any other way.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
You’re a Mean One Mommy Dearest!
So, guess who had a life altering moment with the Caveman today?
That's right folks mommy had an interesting moment when after hours of yelling, threatening, begging I had it with the Caveman not cleaning up his playroom. This child has acquired the bad habit of not putting things away, largely learned from Big Papi and myself. Big Papi and I are not what you would call organized in fact Crazy Grandma has often suggested that we hire professionals to organize our house.
Well as I approach 30 I am tired of my house looking like the aftermath of a natural disaster. I want my home to be as close to an Ikea, Pottery Barn or at least a Target ad as possible. I realize that in real life, especially with a three and nineteen month old that is nearly impossible; but with as crazy as my life has become in recent months I need to do my part in making sure my home truly is my haven.
The Caveman is not cooperating with the plan however and both Big Papi and I have had enough. I brought out a large black trash bag that we have for yard debris and told the Caveman to take any toy that was on the floor and put in the trash bag. The tears and screams were many as the Caveman put his beloved fire trucks, cars, balls, stuffed animals and blocks into not one but two large bags. We have the lovely Ikea toy bins so any toys that were in the bins were spared. I told the Caveman that since he treated his toys like trash the toys were going to the trash.
After the room was clean and my little man was sobbing, begging for us not to throw away the toys I made him a deal. Every night if he cleans his toys up before bed he may have one toy from the trash bags that are now safely in what the Caveman refers to as the "ladder."
The problem with all of this is wondering if I am being too hard, but as I cannot find my I-pod right now I believe that learning to respect the things that God has given us is an incredible life lesson. I think with working on myself this past year I am trying to make my children better than I am.
I know I have not written in a long time. I realize that I left my five readers hanging and I am sorry but there were serious issues that Big Papi and I had to face. With the hard work behind us I can safely say that I love the man my husband has become. Big Papi is my personal hero because he has been willing to truly walk a path with me. For awhile I felt alone in my marriage but with prayer, counseling, and by becoming debt free (only $5000 to go!) we have been able to find a way back to walking together.
So I will try my best to document the adventures of the Caveman and Alien household now that mommy and Big Papi are finally at peace.