Sunday, April 25, 2010

Come On Down Caveman

So the Caveman had his first children's sermon and survived!

The Alien and Caveman household members are Lutherans and as Lutherans we believe in a few things:

  1. Coffee should be served at every church event
  2. Change should be slow- real slow
  3. Children's sermons are really for grown ups

The children's sermon is when the pastor invited the children in the congregation to join him and share a lesson based on the gospel for that service. Big Papi and I normally leave the Alien and Caveman in the nursery because the kids do not understand that worship is a time to be silent. Today, however, I wanted to test the Caveman's tolerance and he did great- especially since service went long because there were four baptisms. One of the benefits of being in service is the children's sermon. Our pastor saw AJ running down and scooped him right up and put him on his lap. Our pastor has three grown sons so one single Caveman does not bother the pastor. The Caveman squirmed and wiggled but he stayed put.

What all this tells me is that my baby is fast becoming a little man. He is still very much a caveman but he is becoming a civilized one.

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