Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ten Times the Charm

So, the morning the Alien tested all my abilities.

I guess when you know that you are cute and adorable you feel the need to get away with things. Mornings are not my best time of day, I am really good about mid day- if only the children in the household would get on board with this plan of not waking up until 11. Well that and also my job but anyways so I am not the most approachable in the morning. Yet this morning was different. I immediately got up fought the Caveman over him getting out of the bathroom so mommy could do her business. Had my ten minutes of devotional time things are looking good.

Until I walk into the living room and see all the kids' books all over the floor surrounding the Alien. Now I know I should be excited that she wants to look at the book and I am but there is no need to ever have the amount of the children's section of Barnes and Noble on my living room floor while reading. I told the Alien, "time to clean up!" which she responded "NO!"

The Alien has learned the word no in many ways particularly to her brother saying "No! Mine!" She sometimes reminds me of the creepy green hobbit thing from the Lord of the Rings "my own my precious." And since I understand the longing to have stuff I can appreciate that she does not want the Caveman to take her things. Plus it is hilarious to listen to her say "No! Mine!" Well that is until it happens to you.

With books on the floor I pick the Alien up and plant her on the floor and say "Clean Up" and then comes the first of ten count them ten hissy fits so loud I wonder if the neighbors think I am abusing this child. Ten trips to the time out corner and finally the Alien picked up the books.

This makes me think that is this just the beginning of many battles over stuff like cleaning? My hope is that by drawing my line in the sand now before she is two that the battles over skirt length when she is 13 won't be as bad.

I think I understand why my mom drank so much wine when I was a teenager.

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