Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Charleston or Bust!

So, it is officially 6:20am and on any normal day I would be trying to desperately to find a few more moments of precious sleep.

But, not today!

Today Big Papi and I start our great adventure. Now I am not sure y'all are aware but I am a serious goal setter- nothing good happens by chance. So here are my goals for this trip:

  1. To see Dave Ramsey
  2. To not fight with Big Papi
  3. To not worry about the fact that my office may have either no therapists or clients when I get back since there is no grown up in charge
  4. To soak in as much Charleston as possible
  5. To be thankful and grateful for the opportunities to do the following
    1. Be with my husband
    2. Travel
    3. Not have to clean poo from a tiny bottom for six days.

More updates to follow, yay!

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