Monday, April 12, 2010

Oh where oh where did my little people go?

So guess who is going on vacation? Alone, no children!

Yes Big Papi and I will be Charleston, SC this week to see Dave Ramsey's EntreLeadership 1-Day event. We also plan to have a romantic dinner at Magnolias and also plan to eat as much low-country cooking possible.

And up until yesterday the highlight was the fact that the Caveman and Alien are spending the week at Grandma's house! But this morning as we dropped off Big Papi at work (we rented a car which we picked up at lunch time- Big Papi is driving it right now) I realized that I am going to be childless for a whole week.

This weird feeling is in the pit of my stomach like when your high school crush asks someone else to prom feeling. Right now all I can think about is I want Caveman kisses. And the Alien, so freaking cute I can't stand it. As a mommy I now understand the term the distance makes the heart grow fonder. It has only been a few hours and once we get on the road and get going I know I will get over this achiness feeling. But right now I am looking at a pile of freshly washed Alien dresses and Caveman shorts and wondering why Cars isn't on.

Keep a look out for special blog post about childless parents on holiday.

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