Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sleep is Silly, Right Mommy

So, the Alien decided it was time for her first all nighter.

I usually get home from class about 10:30ish depending on the traffic and how quickly I get to my car. If you read last night's post I practically sprinted to the car! When I arrived home I was talking to Big Papi in our living room which is also where I have my mini office in a corner. We were talking about the situation in my class and I heard a back bedroom door open.

"Great" I thought the Caveman is up. The Caveman usually wakes up in the middle of the night and comes into our bedroom where Big Papi and I are sound asleep. The Caveman is like a stealth weapon, he gets into the bed curls up with the grown up of his choice and then falls right back asleep.

So imagine my surprise when I see my almost two-year old in the living room, bright eyed and ready to start her day. Did I mention that it was past 11:00pm?

I immediately check her diaper (yep wet, a reasonable excuse for getting up and finding a grown up) after that I put her to bed. She is screaming, so upset at the mere idea of getting into her bed. I ignore the screaming and say "Nite Nite" and close the door.

Twenty minutes later, while I am writing last night's post, she popped out again.

This time Big Papi and I sit with her and read "Horton Hatches an Egg." The Alien is not even close to falling asleep. Well, we put her in her bed and again said "Nite Nite." She responded with a, "Nite Nite Mommy. Nite nite daddy," the usually sign that she is ready to surrender to sleep.

Sleep would not come and this was a game we played all night long.

This morning Big Papi told me that she finally fell asleep for about 20 minutes at 5:00am- and now I am sending her off to the sitter as the crankiest, meanest child on the planet. I almost kept her home because why would I put anyone through the hell that is an exhausted almost two-year old? Both Crazy Grandma and Big Papi out voted me so she is with Kelly.

I need a nap.

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