Saturday, May 8, 2010

Twas The Afternoon Before Mother’s Day

So, it is the day before mother's day, and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a Caveman or mouse.

A martini was cold, stirred with care, in hopes that no children soon would be there.

The children were with Big Papi at McDonalds while visions of Happy Meals danced in their heads. And Big Papi with his task at hand to bring a true Mother's Day to me by taking the children on an errand or two. That's right folks I just wanted a quiet and calm afternoon.

Because earlier that day when the afternoon sun was high in the sky, there arose such a clatter that I sprang from my lawn chair to see what was the matter. Well I at least looked up and wanted a flask, as I saw my children fighting in the grass.

The freshly mowed lawn gave way to such a sight, that the Caveman and Alien were not beings angels but instead were a fright. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a very large Big Papi with the power to make two small children disappear.

With a little plan, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be the plan to pick! More rapid than eagles my course was clear and I shouted and begged Big Papi, my dear.

"Now Big Papi, Now Caveman Now Alien. On ward to a shower and then to the porch. Now dash away! Dash Away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, when I met with an obstacle call Big Papi on the fly. "Mother's Day isn't until tomorrow! You are stuck with all of us, and I want no fight from you!"

But, then in a twinkling I heard a tiny voice "Daddy I want to go bye bye" the prancing and pawing of each little hand on Big Papi forced a decision change. As I drew in my head, and was turning around, inside the house the children and Big Papi came with a bound.

Quickly there were showers and then the children were dressed. The Alien in an adorable yellow sundress and with much screaming and crying the Caveman finally placed on his feet the Old Navy flip flops- how sweet.

My eyes-how they twinkled! The Caveman's dimples could not be more merry! The Alien's cheeks were like roses, and Big Papi was as red as a cherry! His droll mouth was drawn down like a bow, and the beard of his chin was black not at all like snow.

A moment of brief pause before he grabbed the money envelope. With a final glance back he closed the door and loaded the SVU with his children. Within a few moments he drove out of sight and I said to myself "A happy mother's day to all, and to all moms a peacefully quiet afternoon!"

Happy Mother's Day!

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