Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lets Make a Deal

So I spent the day in the hot sun trying to sell all the baby items possible. Yes I am reclaiming my house from bumbos, boppies, and bottles- oh my! Big Papi and I placed all the items carefully on the tables, priced fairly, and the waited. And waited, and waited.

Several people showed up but looked at the majority of baby items and proceeded to explain that they didn't need item, but boy did we have a lot. There were a few customers who asked about the practically new play yard (which retail would be over $150.00) and balked at the $20.00 price tag. I mean I realize it is a yard sale- but still how cheap are you? I made sure that everything was fairly priced. We made a total of just over $100.00.

Next weekend we'll haul everything out again- only this time we are going to take our earnings and buy a newspaper ad to get actual people looking for baby items.

Anyone thinking of buying baby stuff should check out yard sales- most stuff was barely used or in our case unused. After all a baby is only a baby for so long. Think of the savings, and the environmental aspect if everyone just purchase a few used things for a new baby. And then someone mentioned that I should just donate the items to a charity- hello I am the mommy of two kids under the age of four I am a charity.

I just want to make a dent in the $4000 left in our debt snow ball- and make room for the incredible lap top desk Crazy Grandma purchased for me for my birthday. If you would like take a look at the desk Verona Cabinet Desk - Desks - Cost Plus World Market. I am longing to study and work on this blog- yes I know I don't keep up with it enough- on the desk a small space that is just mine.

The one nice thing about today was I got to meet my neighbors of three years- and the kids were at Crazy Grandma's all day. Plus I did get rid of some things from an old boyfriend that been in a box forever.

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