Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cupcake Summit 2010

So it is Crazy Grandma's 50th birthday next Monday and the most excited person is the Caveman. I guess at three years old the prospect of a birthday, any one's birthday, is an exciting event.

Together he and I have poured over the books Hello Cupcake and What's New Cupcake, and have decided to make Crazy Grandma the Ant Cupcakes (which look super easy). Then I made the mistake of letting the Caveman look further into the cupcake book and he saw it, the race car cupcake.

You know as a sidebar I need to say that the past few weeks I have been immersed in Russian politics because of a class I was taking for school. We spoke a lot about the relations between western countries and the former Soviet Union especially negotiations on arms agreements in the 1970s. Well sorry Mr. Kissinger you have nothing on a mommy trying to convince a very excited three year old that the race car cupcake, while cute and fun, may not be the best choice for a grown up's birthday. I kept trying to get him back to the ants but he kept going on and on about the race car cupcakes. Plus he wanting balloons, presents, and party hats for the birthday girl- my what a party planner I have on hand.

Then it hit me- if I did the cake in purple glitter it would kind of rock and fit my mom's personality. So now I am going to wait and see what I can come up with. Luckily Crazy Grandma is flexible with the grandchildren's choices. And this is a very good lesson for the Caveman to have that celebrating another person's birthday is actually way more fun than your own.

So stay tuned my faithful readers, all five of you, we will find out which cupcakes prevailed.

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