Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Countdown to Infinity

So, the countdown is on! Saturday is the Caveman and Alien's first visit to the movies to see Toy Story 3! If you have a three year-old little man then you know all about Buzz Lightyear and the gang. And boy is my little man all about some Buzz lately. Every day we watch Toy Story 2- that is the Caveman's favorite.

The Caveman loves Toy Story so much that he acts out the scenes while the movie is playing. He mimics Buzz's actions and lines. And the Alien is all about Woody, well Woody the doll. We have an original doll from Toy Story when it first came out and the Alien loves him. The other day we couldn't find Woody and you would have thought World War III had broken out. The tears were real and the panic phone call to Big Papi at work did not turn up Woody. That was a fun afternoon.

I have decided to take the kids to the Cinema Café where they can eat pizza while watching the movie. And we are going to the 10:30am showing so that when my little ones are screaming at the screen (Lord please let them not scream at the screen) it should be a bother because there will be a ton of other tiny children screaming at the screen.

And can I give a quick kudos to Big Papi who made a delicious grilled salmon, with rice and sliced apples meal last night so I could shake my bom bom at Zumba. Big help because I had the craziest day at the office and really wanted to eat an entire pizza and that doesn't work with my not eating out/pantry clean out month going on. Plus he had the kids in jammies when I got home and he rushed out the door for basketball.



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