Friday, March 12, 2010

A Conversation with the Caveman

So the Caveman is starting to see the difference between boys and girls.

Thank goodness he isn't pointing out body parts or anything but at three it is interesting that he notices the differences. Sometimes when he is in a mood he'll point and say "Mommy I'm going to turn you into a girl" like that is a bad thing. Or he will point out "Mommy the Alien is a girl and I am a boy."

I wanted to get to the bottom of this so I interviewed the Caveman.

Mommy: What does it mean to be a boy?"

Caveman: "Because I don't like you"

Mommy: "So if you're a boy you don't like them?"

Caveman: "I like boys and I like girls too?"

Mommy: "What do you like best about girls?"

Caveman: "No! I've got sticky feet."

Mommy: "Can boys love boys?"

Caveman: "I love boys, I have to go potty"

Mommy: "Who are the girls?"

Caveman: "They go potty. Its hero time"

Mommy: "So are boys and girls different?"

Caveman: "yes"

Mommy: "how are they different?"

Caveman: "You be Dora"

Mommy: "Caveman what does Mommy do at work?"

Caveman: "Goes to school, do homework"

Mommy: "How do I do homework?"

Caveman: "You get the papers"

Mommy: "What about Daddy what is your favorite thing about Daddy?"

Caveman: "He does monies"

Mommy: "What about the Alien?"

Caveman: "Nite Nite"

Mommy: What is your favorite thing about yourself?

Caveman: "Be Diego and Sportacus too"

Mommy: "If you could have anything in the world what would it be?"

Caveman: "Green"

Mommy: "What does Sessy do?"

Caveman: "Read books"

Mommy: "Dude-pa?"

Caveman: "Takes walks"

Mommy: "Pa-Pa?"

Caveman: "Helps open my presents"

Mommy: "Titi?"

Caveman: "She does homework too like you Mommy but I do homework too from my own computer. Guess what it is green!"

Mommy: "What about Grandma?"

Caveman: "Her make lunch and read books like you Mommy"

Mommy: "So do you have anything you want to share with our readers?"

Caveman: "That my monies. To put them in the piggy bank in my pig. Yes, and I want to be Sportacus and Diego. I want to be the boys. You're a girl- that means go potty and boys too. It hero time!"

Mommy: "Caveman, what does it mean to be a hero?"

Caveman: "It is pretend but I am not going to stomp on you. I'm going to be nice"

Caveman you are smarter than mommy gives you credit for sometimes.

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