Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bunny Rabbits Are Not For Eating Kitty Cat!

So, this morning after putting the Caveman to sleep early because he lied I was still feeling bad about it. But of course as little kids do the Caveman burst into my bedroom and jumped on the bed giving me a big smack on the lips and told me he loved me. There really is no better way to wake up in the morning.

And then he told me about the baby rabbit.

I am not sure if I have told you about our cat Zeus. We have had Zeus since the Caveman was only about 9 months old. And Zeus, like many cats, like to chase things in the yard and bring them into the house still alive. Big Papi is getting pretty good with bird removal and I have no sympathy for mice. But when I saw the tea cup sized bunny rabbit in the plastic shoe box my heart melted. The Caveman and Alien household does not let baby bunnies die on their watch. So Big Papi texted Dr. Richie (who is a really awesome vet btw) and he said he would have a look.

Of course the Caveman was so excited about the baby bunny. He even brought toys for the baby bunny to play with and wanted to feed him carrots. And I know I have a veggie garden and should want the cat to get rid of any animals who threaten it but come on a baby bunny the size of a tea cup? I don't think so.

I also told Big Papi that under no circumstance were we keeping the bunny! The house is finally getting cleaned and adding another life form to it just isn't going to work.

I will keep everyone posted on Bunny Watch 2010.

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