Monday, June 14, 2010

To bed, I said!

So, I have never been so happy to see Monday morning! Ah happy Monday where I ship the kids off to Kelly (greatest babysitter on the planet!), This weekend was rough and tough as it was dangerously hot for my little ones to be outside for so long. But yesterday afternoon we are lucky that everyone is still standing.

Actually it started in the morning when we decided to go to church. I took the month of May off because after spending an entire year teaching high school Sunday school (which most stop going to around Spring Break because hello they are working or getting ready for summer) and Financial Peace University I was exhausted. Add some Russian Politics and Sundays became the only day to actually work on stuff. It is also hard to attend church with little kids. We have two choices for times 8:15am- which should be the one we go to because that means we have the rest of the day to get stuff done, or 11:00am which is the one we usually end up going to especially after I started Sunday school.

Big Papi yesterday was working the sound board at the 11:00am service so to the 11:00am service we went and I actually braved bringing the Caveman in to worship so he could participate in Children's Sermon.

After service we went home to have lunch, which I had already made in the crock pot the day before (yay me) chicken and brown rice casserole which I really enjoyed but the rest of the family not so much. Oh well can't please everyone. Big Papi then went to Crazy Grandma's house to pick up our new pillow top mattress for our bedroom. The new bed is what started the meltdown.

In the afternoon I put the swimsuits on the kids and turned on the sprinklers. I love listening to them giggle and shriek from running around the water. After an hour and half we brought them in (the Alien kicking and screaming "Outside") and gave them a snack. Then they lost their minds.

In two hours we had endless amounts of timeouts because not only were they jumping on the new bed they were playing in my closet. Big Papi and I separated our efforts and I stayed in the bedroom and he in the den. Well the kids stayed in the bedroom and after shouting, "no" "stop" "get out," I had enough. I shouted at the top of my lungs, "go to bed!" and Big Papi rushes in and goes "what in the world." At that moment I just crumbled to the ground and cried, cried I like I was the two year old caught in the closet.

The kids were sent to bed- for their own safety. I wanted a martini.

I think the biggest thing is that because of the budget being so tight right now we can't escape. There is no reason to send the kids for an overnight trip to a grandma's house if Big Papi and I aren't going to do anything. But, we will be doing something soon- Saturday is going to be the kids' first trip to a real movie theatre to see Toy Story 3 (we had budgeted special just for the occasion). Of course this all depends on if mommy and Big Papi survive the week.

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