Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Guilt Sucks

So, I am feeling this weird emotion that as a mom I haven't felt before: guilt.

I am not the kind of mommy that has turned my entire life in about my children- but we arrived safely into Charleston and we of course called my sister in law to let her know that we arrive safely. Well thanks to FaceBook I knew that the kids went to the zoo today- a place that I hate- and well I am missing my Alien and Caveman. A lot!

The Caveman got on the phone and I heard about a train ride and seeing giraffes and then he said "Mommy are you going to pick me up?" Well, I did not cry, but I am sad. Of course Big Papi being a man heard all this and feels nothing! In fact right now he is taking a nap. A nap!

I need chocolate- thank goodness there is none in our room. I know that they are safe and happy. I also know that a mom and dad need to recharge our batteries. So why do I feel so guilty?

Well good news is I get to see Dave Ramsey live tomorrow!

Sticky Fingers barbeque tonight!

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