Sunday, March 7, 2010

Thank Heaven For Little Aliens

So, the difference between boys and girls is simply amazing.

This morning as I am sitting in my bedroom hearing the sounds of Big Papi and the Caveman play fighting in the Caveman's bedroom the Alien walks in. I haven't really written much about the Alien because well she was a baby and the second one doesn't surprise you as much as the first. I think having them so close also affects the surprise factor because the Caveman was not even two when I had the Alien so I was already dealing with bottles and diapers and lots of sleepless nights.

But, lately boy the Alien is really coming into her own! No longer just a side kick for the Caveman, the Alien is playing on her own, making decisions and is getting into trouble all on her own too. Her favorite crime is playing with the toilet. Thanks Alien, I already spend more time there than the average 30-year old because the Caveman thinks he needs to either go potty or brush his teeth every five minutes. Now because of her toilet fascination I am forced to keep the toilet completely clean because we all know what goes on down there. Add a 20-month old to the mix and it isn't pretty. And before you comment (all five of you) telling me about the fact I could child proof the potty you do not have a three year old little boy being potty trained and from the time he tells me he needs to go pee pee I have about 30 seconds to get him not only to the bathroom, pull down his pants, and then get him on the potty. If you add me unlocking the toilet every time to that mix and well there would be a lot of mommy cleaning the bathroom floor.

The Caveman never wanted to play with the toilet. Of course I could be blocking that out like most women block out the pain from childbirth. After all, we know that it happened but somehow foreget when a new baby is placed in our arms.

The Alien does just play with the toilet though; she is the girliest girl I have seen in a long time. Unlike the Caveman who would do anything to avoid getting his nails cut, the Alien sits there and giggles. But, the Caveman will go to time out serve his time and be done with it. The Alien goes through several octave changes before settling on scream level 12 and then continues to get out of the time out corner so many times instead of a one-minute time out she gets a 20-minute time out.

She already wants to play with dolls and even when she eats she is neater than the Caveman. The Alien is all little girl, and I would not have it any other way.

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