Saturday, April 17, 2010

Genuinely Happy

So, today we head back home and I learned so much during this trip.

The first thing is that again Dave Ramsey lived up to the expectations in my head. And I wouldn't mind spending more time learning from him. The new goal in my life is attending the 7-day series in less than two years. I think I can do it, no I know I can.

The other thing is this- Charleston has taught me a lot about service. In every restaurant, historic sight, and even in the hotel every employee said hello to me. There was never an empty glass, or a dirty dish. The people serving me were always smiling and seem genuinely happy that I was there. I want to be that person in my life when I get back. I want people to know that I genuinely am happy that they are there.

My business is about to change- I am no longer going to accept excuses from my workers who cannot be genuinely happy that the client is in front of them. I am no longer going to worry about people at church who are not genuinely happy to be there. And I am going to show the Caveman and Alien everyday that mommy is genuinely happy that God choose me to be their mommy.

So dearest Charleston I am genuinely happy that I was a guest- and I am genuinely sad that I have to leave so soon.

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