Friday, June 18, 2010

Father’s Day-Palooza 2010!

So, Father's Day-palooza is upon us! For the next two and half days we shall celebrate all things Big Papi!

The first thing is Big Papi will not have to change diapers, under ware, clothes, or any other item unless he wants to. This is going to work to his advantage because I literally just changed both the Alien and Caveman's stink butts! And the Caveman has been potty trained for almost six months and all the sudden when the moratorium on no diaper changes for Big Papi- conspiracy I think.

The second thing is Big Papi will be able to enjoy a few hours of leisure to himself without children- this after we watch Toy Story 3 tomorrow morning at 10:00am!

The third thing is Big Papi friendly meals will be served each day- tonight it is cornbread topped chili in the crock pot- I know in the crock pot who knew but I am trying it right now. I got the idea online. All you do it make the chili however you like and cook for eight hours on low- during the last hour take a boxed cornbread mix (follow the mixing directions on the box) and put on top of the chili in the pot! You do need to put a paper towel on top of the mixture to collect the condensation and turn the crock pot on high.

Tomorrow night we will have lettuce wraps! Also in the crock pot! And then Sunday the most amazing Big Papi meal- I can't' say here yet because he might lurk on the blog but it involves sausage!

And why am I going all out for the Big Papi? Well he allows me to go to class and gives me plenty of time for myself. And for mother's day he took both kids away for several hours!

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