Wednesday, June 2, 2010


So the Bunny didn't make it.

Dr. Richie said the Bunny was malnourished, dehydrated and of course had major lacerations from the encounter with our cat Zeus.

I was worried that when I got home the kids would be asking about the Bunny, but thankfully I had Zumba class so if there were questions Big Papi was there to answer them.

We have a new schedule in the Caveman/Alien household this summer because of course mommy is in school.

Monday I have class- if it is in person the kids will go to Normal Grandma's house which they love

Tuesday I have Zumba class and Big Papi has basketball- we are planning on trading the kids at the YMCA like divorced parents.

Wednesday I have class and see Monday

Thursday same as Tuesday

Friday- as soon as I am up to it I plan on adding a third Zumba class which I hope is also going to be shared with Big Papi

Saturday- we have swimming lessons for the Caveman, and then that is the day for homework, household chores, and outdoor fun

Sunday- ah the day of rest again we will probably use that for true family time.

Just looking at this I am wondering, "What was I thinking?" If you know a working adult with kids going back to school give them a round of applause and offer to make dinner. I often feel guilt when I am in class because first Big Papi has to take on a lot while I am in school. Next comes the guilt about the kids and that I am not spending enough time with them. This especially comes when people ask me what I plan to use my degree and I have no answer.

A part of me knows that getting the degree is actually selfish. If I don't need the degree why am I spending so much time away from my family to get one? It isn't like the degree is a bad thing but it is definitely something I want to finish. I want the kids with me in May 2012 to see mommy finishing what she started. And the Alien has never known life without mommy being in class. I want them to see the struggle so that when they are in their early 20s they make different and better choices.

The new semester begins tonight and so begins the guilt.


  1. Big Papi in Zumba! Take pictures please! Guys are sorta frowned upon in the Zumba class at my gym. Mostly because they just come and leer at the women.

  2. We actually have a guy who comes to the class- and he is cute and not gay!


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