Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Splish, splash I might be taken a bath

So the Bugg has invited Big Papi and I out for New Year’s Eve, very exciting. A new character to the Caveman and Alien universe, the Bugg is actually one of the ministers at our church, and he happens to be our age.

The age thing freaks me out.

Seriously, how can someone my age be a whole minister who is allow guide people? Or doctor or lawyer- insane! Or maybe I just feel this way because I have still not figured out what I want to be when I am a grown up.

The Bugg is a very interesting guy if you look past what he does for a living; I mean how many people do you know who collects a paycheck from Jesus? He is single ladies, and very adorable and well spoken and well read (he actually knows who Whitman is, and not the candy company). Also he seems to like polar plunging.

Polar plunging is an event where seemingly normal adults go into freezing cold water for fun. Many times it is to raise money for charity, which is awesome. However tonight Big Papi and I will be surrounded by people who want to jump into the Chesapeake Bay just for the fun of it.

Maybe it is the mommy in me, but I don’t see how jumping into the Chesapeake Bay in January while it is 26 degrees outside with winds blowing northwest at 20-30 miles per hour seems like a good idea. Yet, the woman who desperately wants to break free from always appearing like someone’s mommy kind of wants to be silly and take a big jump into the Bay.

It has been a long time since I have had the chance to try something daring, well besides giving birth. I have never been one to take chances, and I think that is a problem in my own life. When you are afraid of taking chances you live life with regrets. I don’t want to walk away from tonight wishing I had jumped.

Yet the grown up in me sees that if I jump into the water I could catch cold, and man do I sound old. Yet even as a kid I have been this way. During swimming lesions when all the other kids were learning to jump into deep water I held back, something inside me held me back.

As an adult I want to try new things. 2008 represented the end of a cycle for me, I was in a funk but I am starting to come out of it. 2009 represents for me new start, as I want to focus on actually living my life instead of just surviving it.

I won’t know until later this evening if I’ll be dripping wet from the cold water, but I do know that it is progress on my part that I am even considering it.

1 comment:

  1. The age things gets me too. Hello, Dr. HokieKev is a professor...professors are supposed to be old, and gray, and old...


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