Sunday, January 11, 2009

So it 2009 and I have not kept up to date with the blog- sorry things are crazy in the alien/caveman universe. Here are some highlights so far for 2009

1. The Alien has a tooth!
2. We are still struggling to get the Caveman into his bed.
3. I was smart and did not take a bath in the Chesapeake Bay- seriously 29 degree weather with 50 miles per hour winds does not make a day at the beach.
4. The Eagles are in the playoffs- mommy is super happy!
5. I actually have worked up to walking two miles a day- not fun but great to burn off the left over mommy tummy.

Stay tuned for my updated 100 things I must do before I die- things on the list have to change because one I'm not a real estate agent any more- and I actually accomplished some things on the list in 2008 (yay for mommy).

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