Monday, December 15, 2008

What to do when the Caveman refuses his cave

So the Caveman has decided that he would rather sleep in the Man Room and not in his cave. His cave is adorably decorated by the Crazy Grandma, the theme is all little things little boy with trucks and animals. I believe it is a wonderful room for the Caveman to spend his nights.

Yet the Caveman refuses to sleep there! Somehow he has gotten into the habit of sleeping on the couch in the man room, and I realize that it was Big Papi and I who started it but still I want him to sleep in his room so that Big Papi can sleep with my in our bedroom. The whole situation started because the Alien slept with Big Papi in the Man Room simply because she was waking up in the middle of the night to drink a bottle. Big Papi seems to be able to sleep a few hours and still function while I am a nightmare if I do not get my eight hours.

The Caveman used to sleep in his room- but I think he realizes that nighttime can be scary and that the Alien was getting a lot of attention at night. So why not join in the party in the Man Room. We would let the Caveman fall asleep on the couch, but he started to wake up when we moved him. Now if we even mention the word bed the following conversation happens:
“Caveman would you like to sleep in your bed?”
“No, couch”
“But your bed is so nice, let’s try mommy will stay with you until you fall asleep.”
“NO! Couch, tv, daddy!”
I then proceed to pick up the Caveman who proceeds to scream with all his might (I swear the neighbors must think we are abusing him) and kick as I try to move him into his room. When I place him on the bed, he reaches up to me “Mommy up, I want up!” It just breaks my heart.

This whole situation reminds me that there are no perfect parents. Before I had my own children, when I would catch a talk show about spoiled children I would just think the parents should stand up to their child. Yet, when you are the parent and your baby is crying hysterically because all he wants is to sleep where you are I challenge any parent to stand up to that.

I worry that James and I will never be in bed together again, but I also worry that my child is in need of some mommy time because this all started when I went back to work. I guess this is the constant challenge of mommies, the need to be all to everyone- a sexy woman to your husband, while wearing baby throw up- a teacher and role model to your children- and not to mention the pressure to leave the house with makeup on and a clean outfit- there are days where I simply amaze myself that I made it that far.

Someday, when the Caveman is all grown up, maybe in a cave of his own, I’ll reach out for the little hand and realize that my little guy is a grown up. That is the real reason I am not fighting harder to get the Caveman or the Alien in their own beds. Society today demands that our children act more sophisticated and worldly; I just want my little ones to stay little and silly for as long as possible. So maybe mommy is being silly but I have no problem sharing my cave with my Caveman.

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