Saturday, December 27, 2008

Have yourself a merry little Christmas

This holiday season has been an exciting one for the Alien and Caveman filled household. Well the Alien not so much because she is really a baby and doesn’t know what is going on. The Caveman, however, discovered the following this season:

1. The Pretties- I think this started at his preschool when they hung Christmas lights (he attends a Christian preschool which allows for said activities). Since every time he sees Christmas lights the following conversation has happened: “Oh mommy look! The pretties! I love the pretties! I love my pretties!” Then he adds, “I see blue, I see pink, I see green, I see red.” Even if you do not celebrate Christmas the lights are an ideal way to help your caveman learn colors. Also it reminded me that when the lights go on the houses the world seems brighter even in our darkest days. There is something magical in the power of the “pretties.”

2. Christmas equals mommy bakes- Yes I love to bake but the only time of year I get to do it properly is around the holidays. People never want homemade chocolate chip cookies in August because we are all still trying to look awesome in bathing suits. The Caveman not only experienced mommy’s amazing chocolate chip cookies but also the grasshopper bars (really the best thing you could put in your mouth) and the five-minute fudge. The one thing I wish I had the time to do this holiday was to make rice crispy treats with the Caveman. I want him to know the power that comes from understanding how with a few ingredients and a little time, love and patience you can create something amazing that can be shared. Think if more little boys were taught those things when they were cavemen how different the world would be.

3. Santa is not awesome- I am sure this will change but the picture says it all.

4. Church is fun during Christmas- Being new to a church a great way to get involved is to participate in the services and activities. My church exploded with activities from the Hanging of the Greens (a fancy way of saying decorating the church) to Santa’s house (we did not participate in this particular event because of said outing to the mall Santa above). My favorite holiday is the one hosted by Pastor Bugg (that is his real name I promise) in which grown up gets to drink and be merry. The Caveman and Alien will be safely at their non-crazy grandma’s (Big Papi’s mom).

The holidays have been quick this year- and way lower keyed than in the past for myself. I only entered a mall once and it was to visit Santa on a Tuesday and it was like a ghost town. I realize that this is the effect of the economic slowdown affecting our country but I still think it is a good thing for the most part. One of my favorite Christmas songs is “Have yourself a merry little Christmas” and it reminds me that this time of year is really about the people you surround yourself with not the things you buy. It is also a time of year to be reminded that miracles happen even if it is as simple as watching my two-year old look in amazement every time he happened to see Christmas lights twinkling, burning bright into the dark sky.

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