Sunday, December 21, 2008

Finally a real decision

I have made a major decision. I am going for the big girl degree from UVa in the fall- and I am so excited. For those who know me this has been a journey since I was 14 to get to this point. When I announced my decision to my family my step father, UVa alum, said “this time you’re ready.”

This made me think, are we ever ready for what life throws at us? A year ago, while I was barely pregnant with the Alien if you had told me I would be a full time student and a writer I would have laughed. Then if you added that I could be attending UVa I would have called you a liar and cruel.

For me the biggest regret in my life was not going to UVa the first time. Like my step dad said, I wasn’t ready. I had the grades, but not the attitude or the drive to make it. Now at almost 30 I am trying for the right reasons.

I realize I could attend a very good local college, a college where I could train in specific writing to make me more marketable. That isn’t what I want, I want to be a Wahoo; I want to walk the lawn. I want no regrets in my life, so come August- if I keep getting the grades I’m getting I’ll be an official Wahoo! Now if only I could get the Caveman to pee-pee in his potty, then life will be perfect.

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