Monday, August 3, 2009

Sesame Place or Bust!

So it is 5:30 in the morning, what am I doing awake? The Alien and Caveman household is driving to Sesame Place today!

There is a perk to this mommy thing especially these types of mornings where everyone is still asleep. I am really looking forward to the memories that my family will create- and that is what I am thinking of while looking at the mess my house is in because of packing.

Packing last night was interesting because the Caveman is in his ‘why’ stage. I started with his clothes first because we are truly blessed to have people with kids just barely bigger than he is so we receive a lot of hand me downs. Hand me downs are great for the environment and budget; seriously more families should swap clothes. We have just received a large amount of clothes from the Alien’s regular day care sitter (who is incredible btw) for the Caveman. I just haven’t had an opportunity to go through the pile. And the Caveman is getting taller- so tall. I compared pictures the other day of the same time last year with my brand-new Alien coming home and seeing the Caveman looking at her. He was a baby! Seriously he is now all little boy, asking questions and throwing tantrums. The Caveman can catch and throw a ball; he can put on his own shoes.

And the Alien is walking! Last night she started to say “uh-oh” which is so cute and probably the influence of the fact that the Caveman says that a lot.

I have been so busy with my school and marriage issues that maybe I haven’t been paying close enough attention to these little kids that are quickly growing. I think though that if I am honest even if I were a stay-at-home mom I would still be amazed that my children are growing so quickly.

While we are in Sesame Place I am going to do my best to blog about our adventures each evening. Wish us luck and safe journey- and help us think the clouds away.

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