Tuesday, August 11, 2009

If the shoe fits

So guess who is the newest shoe diva on the block?

Not myself, though I love a good pair of heels. Not Big Papi, who has like five pairs of shoes, nor the Alien who doesn’t wear shoes because when learning to walk I feel it is best to be barefoot.

No, my faithful reader, the shoe diva in our house is the Caveman.

I guess I shouldn’t call him a diva as he is all little boy, but the kids is all about shoes. The Caveman currently has several pairs of shoes and flip-flops. He refuses to wear the flip flops and will only lament to wearing his water shoes unless he can see the pool. The biggest battles are when he wants to wear a certain pair of sneakers and we make him wear another.

This morning is a prime example as Big Papi and the Caveman spent the morning in the tv room. When they came down the hall to begin the day I notice that the Caveman is only wearing one of his Sesame Street shoes, and on the wrong foot. So in love with his sneakers, the Caveman will put them on while playing around the house. If we try to take the off, particularly when he wants to play with the Alien the temper tantrums are long and loud.

The Caveman was in a particularly silly mood while getting dressed and when I went to grab the closest pair of shoes, the grey Spiderman shoes that light up when he steps. He looks at the shoes (that mind you last week were the favorite) as if they were the most disgusting things on the planet. When I tell him “okay, left foot,” he refuses. Then I start the counting, and it still doesn’t work. My child gets up and runs away.

Finally I decide to look for the shoes he wants to wear today, the Sesame Street ones, and can only find the one shoe he was wearing this morning.

This is trouble because when I inform him of this and put on the Spiderman shoes seriously World War III started in my house. The Caveman shout, screams, begs for the other shoes. At this point I have had enough and yell back, “You will wear these shoes and be thankful you have shoes!” I almost added the fact that there are children in Africa that have no shoes.

I finally get the shoes on his feet and leave the room to help pack his lunch. He comes running in and is not wearing shoes at all. I lose it grab him by his arm and shove the shoes on his feet. There is no help for this situation; I am mad and over the whole situation.

The Caveman is so upset at this point he has to be carried by Big Papi to the car for preschool. Big Papi then comes to grab the Alien and tells me that the Caveman has asked for his Cars shoes and has taken off his shoes. I tell Big Papi no, that we are the parents. A few minutes later Big Papi comes back and proclaims that the Caveman has asked for the Cars shoes and that he says he is sorry. To get Big Papi out of the house I agree.

I think this morning I am going to hide all the shoes but the flip-flops and see how the Caveman deals with it. I can be evil too.

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