Wednesday, March 18, 2009

When Mommy is sick well Big Papi is alright

So sickness had clouded the Caveman and Alien household this week and mommy was the biggest victim. I could go into details but let’s just say that this time it involved not being able to eat anything other than crackers and many trips to the bathroom.

I’m not sure which brought in the germs- I think the Alien but the Caveman has many friends at school. Everyone is so excited when the Caveman shows up. Especially the teachers who let him have his “special seat” in the lunch room for breakfast and lunch. (Seriously they have actually offered to move the kid who dared to sit in his seat. I have explained that the Caveman will get over it, they ignore me and give him an extra hug.) Could an extra hug have given the germs to pass on to the mommy?

I try my best not to get what the kids have- but this time no doing mommy got it in a big way. The problem is when mommy is down the whole household stops. Actually that isn’t true Big Papi is awesome at making sure kids get fed and bathed, and even put to bed. He even brought me toast and water.

But, I feel so guilty being in bed when I should just suck it up and get going. Come on women in third world countries do not have the luxury of being sick- just doesn’t happen. Even other mommies I know are able to get going. I feel slightly defeated that a little stomach flu had me in bed. But, I am so proud of Big Papi for keeping everything together I could just burst!

However a day later I am feeling so much better. I still feel a little out of it, and I haven’t tried eating anything but toast in the last 24 hours, but compared to yesterday I could run a marathon. Okay maybe not a marathon but am I feeling much better.

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