Thursday, March 5, 2009

Oh the golden joys of family life

So this morning Big Papi, with the Caveman’s help, decide to give me an experience: the Caveman urinated all of my school stuff. Now we are currently potty training the Caveman but this event was not because the Caveman wanted to no the real reason is the lack of consideration from the other parent in my life.

I realize this was an accident but I am mad beyond belief- not at the Caveman but at Big Papi who basically lost his mind this morning. The typical morning routine for the Caveman and Alien house is the following.

  1. The Caveman and Big Papi share a shower together- this is great because baths use a lot of water and the Caveman seems to enjoy the showers. And before some crazy reader goes, “parents shouldn’t be naked in front of their kids,” starts on me until the Caveman and Alien realize what naked really means.
  2. The Caveman gets wrapped in a towel and he and Big Papi go into his room to at least get a pull-up on so the Caveman can run around like cavemen do.
  3. At this point I am awake and work on getting the Alien ready for the babysitter and then work with Big Papi to get the Caveman ready for school.
  4. Everyone is dressed and ready to go- Big Papi packs up the kids and they all leave for work and school. The mommy then usually goes to the gym before getting ready in the wonderful and rare silence of the household.

This morning, however, Big Papi decided instead of putting the pull-up on the Caveman right away Big Papi chose to brush his teeth and sets the now naked Caveman loose and shows up at my bedside where the biology textbook and notes I was working on into the wee hours of the morning still remained. The other problem with this is that I notice the Caveman is naked and tell Big Papi, “um yeah please put a pull-up on him. Why are you brushing your teeth right now?”

Big Papi responds, “I’ll get to it in a minute.” I again ask and get irritated “Honey, seriously get a pull-up on him what are you doing that is so important that can’t wait five minutes?” Big Papi rolls his eyes (and that is always pleasant) and just at that moment the Caveman goes potty all over my school materials.

“Big Papi! Quick he’s peeing all over my stuff!” I exclaim jumping out of the bed. Big Papi quickly jumps and tried to grab the delighted Caveman. Was there an apology right away? NO! Instead Big Papi says nothing about the fact my very expensive school materials are now covered in two-year old toddler pee-pee.

Now I get I could have gotten my butt out of bed immediately and grabbed the Caveman before he went potty. I’ll be honest I was trying to get just a few more hours of sleep since the Caveman spent yet another night with his feet pressing into mommy’s kidneys. Also I was up studying for a biology lab quiz I have this evening. I didn’t go to sleep until one and being almost 30 that is really late.

I am not mad at the Caveman; he didn’t know what he did. Yet Big Papi, who finally said that he was sorry but also added that if the Caveman had done this to his stuff that he wouldn’t have been upset.

I can give you an endless list of Big Papi being upset because the Caveman has messed with the computer, or climbed into the entertainment center. The Caveman and Big Papi have gone to battle over the DVDs being pulled out. The funniest is when the Caveman, with mommy’s permission, pulls out every pot and pan (with matching lids). Big Papi hates this!

But, according to Big Papi’s words this morning he would be okay because this was an accident. This wasn’t an accident- unless I find a thirty year old male brain around. Obviously Big Papi has lost his. So now instead of going to the gym I will be washing toddler pee off of my stuff.

Oh the joys of family life.

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