Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Can you be my hero baby? Can you make me some dinner?

So may I brag for a minute?

Big Papi was on deck this evening as it was Tuesday and that means Mommy is sitting in a biology lecture while he has the Caveman, Alien and dinner duties. Actually if I’m honest Big Papi has had to do a lot of watching the Caveman and Alien this semester. For me to achieve my dream of a college degree my family has had to sacrifice. In fact the family has had to make more sacrifices than I have.

I may be the one doing the studying, writing papers, and taking exams. The Caveman, Alien, and Big Papi are doing a lot of evenings without Mommy. Even when I am home I am often working on the laptop researching for government or writing biology definitions. Every Saturday I drive to algebra class leaving breakfast and Saturday morning activities to Big Papi. Sure I am giving up any amount of free time but in the end I get to have a college degree.

Big Papi hasn’t complained- in fact he has been incredibly supportive. The Alien and Caveman however, are another story as when Mommy is home they expect my full attention. I have learned that I have to balance my time with them along with my studies. Balancing is hard because sometimes I have to tell my family I have homework, because simply the professors could care less what is going on in my personal life. Sometimes I have to stay up late so that I can spend time with the kids. It is so bad that the Caveman will sometimes set up his toy laptop right next to mine and declare that he is working on homework. No two-year old should know about homework.

There is only six more weeks of being a full time student- I will never do that again as a proper grown up. I have been so focused on getting to the next step- and getting out of community college land that I didn’t think about the toll my family and self would face. For now on I will be a part-time student.

When I came home from lecture tonight Big Papi had dinner done and the Caveman was sitting at the table ready to go. The Alien was in her bouncy jumpy thingy- I never know what that thing is called- happily bouncing away. For the first time in a long time I was able to enjoy dinner with my entire family- and I didn’t worry about the lab quiz I have on Thursday or the algebra homework that is due on Saturday.

Big Papi is the reason for the bragging because simply he doesn’t get enough credit for everything he does for our family. Sure it is fun and therapeutic to write about his mistakes but I think as a wife it is important to let him shine once in a while.

So to Big Papi tonight you are my hero- tomorrow well hey I can only worry about today.

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