Monday, May 31, 2010

Liar, Liar!

So the Caveman is in big trouble. He lied, we know he lied but we don't know what to do about it. The Caveman is three with an active imagination that I want him to keep but I am afraid that if I don't get this lying thing under control it will lead to other problems.

We caught the lie when we went into his room and saw that the amour in there was open. It is an antique, not expensive enough to worry about being in a three year old's room but nice enough that I don't want him messing with it. The amour has two doors, a smaller square one and a larger one, that need a key to open them. I keep the key on the top of the amour and the doors shut because they have things like kid Tylenol and other dangerous yet necessary items. So when I saw the tiny door open and the key missing I knew who had done it.

First the Caveman blamed the Alien, which could be potentially true, but I had my doubts. I actually had the Alien climb on the stepping stool and saw there was no way she could reach the key hole let alone open the thing. The Caveman was busted! But, he kept lying! And he continued.

Tears, screaming, and they didn't all belong to the Caveman, we sent him to bed where he cried himself to sleep.

I might be making a mountain out of a mole hill, I have a habit of doing that, but I feel like this moment in the Caveman's life is important. I believe that parenting really is like being on a beach where I draw a line in the sand. Sometimes the Caveman and Alien have to cross the line and it is up to me to bring them back to me or let them cross the line. The Caveman jumped over the line today and I am not sure I can get him back.

Do three year olds even understand the concept of lying? And how do I punish him, time out? Take away something? I just don't know because I don't think he understands what he has done. The other problem is I never want him to be so afraid of telling the truth, or standing up for it, and just follow what the crowd is saying. There is a sinking feeling in the back of my mind that I will be having this conversation a lot. Oh boy.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Right Fit

So, the Caveman was with me this morning on the bed when the Alien comes in carrying her favorite pink tennis shoes shouting, "shoes!!!" The Caveman turned to me and said, "Mommy, I'm scared." To which I replied "Caveman, with the right shoes any woman can be scary!"

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Would you rather be skinny with an ugly face or fat with a pretty face?

how about a person with a healthy attitude

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

So close, yet so far

So today was a monstrous occasion in the Alien and Caveman household… the swing set is ready to be complete!

Actually the swing set is simply known as The Park and I am capitalizing it because well for the last year it has been a character of the house that frankly has caused more tears , head aches and fights between Big Papi and I than almost any other issue. I guess I should explain that we did not purchase The Park for the kids, Crazy Grandma did who also just left it saying put this together. This is a woman who for fun built a deck and tears down walls talking to two individuals who barely can hang pictures on the wall. If you have not had the joy of putting together a child's playground let me say right now weatherboarding is probably more fun.

But, Big Papi said that he was up for the job. I wanted to immediately hire a crew of workers to put the thing together but Big Papi wanted to do it himself. He actually had a group of guys come over once including Dr. Richie but I think that was more for the beer drinking than actual construction. The guys did build the frame of The Park and then it sat there for seven months, seven long months. Big Papi is never a man to rush through anything and goes at his own pace. In fact in a race against the Tortuous I truly believe that Big Papi could wait him out. Months and months of bits and pieces of playground all over the yard until finally I tell Big Papi finish the damn thing already.

So he did- first enlisting a friend from church to help get the frame right- then he finally put on the slide so the kids could at least use that. Then for months the monkey bars were kind of attached- in fact I think the only reason that The Park got put together at all was the fact that Crazy Grandma put an entire swing set together in her own backyard in a weekend. With the bits and pieces from her set and a little muscle from Dudepa it looked like the thing would finally be done.

This afternoon I was outside with the kids as Big Papi was drilling holes to put brackets in to hang the swings- the very last thing to go on. He had four to do and on the last one just as we were getting excited that finally this home project would be complete I heard the sound of Big Papi saying (in grown up language) ah sugar. The drill bit he was using for the very last hole snapped in half with half in the drill and the other half in The Park. The last piece and we are stopped.

I knew Big Papi would be upset- I would have a full out temper tantrum. Instead he simply breathed a deep breath and said "Let's go out to dinner."

And we did which is its own big adventure for another time but this whole swing set episode reminds me why the Big Papies of the world are so important. You need people in a crisis to just simply breathe. I need a man that forces me to slow down. Some of the best lessons in life I have learned from my husband- the importance of comfy clothes at the end of the world day (which really means leave work at work) when in doubt slow down and think things through and sometimes goals are going to take longer than expected. The importance is to finish them. And other times it is better to walk away than to force a decision just because you want to get things done- you might reach a better conclusion this way.

So we have an almost completed swing set, but better yet we have the best daddy ever.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Breaking News!

So, breaking news…. The Alien is fighting the Caveman and winning! She currently has her butt on his head. I am not sure why I find this funny but the Alien is a foot shorter than the Caveman- and to see her kick his butt inspires me to know that in the future she will agree that "boys are stupid throw rocks at them"

Lets Make a Deal

So I spent the day in the hot sun trying to sell all the baby items possible. Yes I am reclaiming my house from bumbos, boppies, and bottles- oh my! Big Papi and I placed all the items carefully on the tables, priced fairly, and the waited. And waited, and waited.

Several people showed up but looked at the majority of baby items and proceeded to explain that they didn't need item, but boy did we have a lot. There were a few customers who asked about the practically new play yard (which retail would be over $150.00) and balked at the $20.00 price tag. I mean I realize it is a yard sale- but still how cheap are you? I made sure that everything was fairly priced. We made a total of just over $100.00.

Next weekend we'll haul everything out again- only this time we are going to take our earnings and buy a newspaper ad to get actual people looking for baby items.

Anyone thinking of buying baby stuff should check out yard sales- most stuff was barely used or in our case unused. After all a baby is only a baby for so long. Think of the savings, and the environmental aspect if everyone just purchase a few used things for a new baby. And then someone mentioned that I should just donate the items to a charity- hello I am the mommy of two kids under the age of four I am a charity.

I just want to make a dent in the $4000 left in our debt snow ball- and make room for the incredible lap top desk Crazy Grandma purchased for me for my birthday. If you would like take a look at the desk Verona Cabinet Desk - Desks - Cost Plus World Market. I am longing to study and work on this blog- yes I know I don't keep up with it enough- on the desk a small space that is just mine.

The one nice thing about today was I got to meet my neighbors of three years- and the kids were at Crazy Grandma's all day. Plus I did get rid of some things from an old boyfriend that been in a box forever.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Twas The Afternoon Before Mother’s Day

So, it is the day before mother's day, and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a Caveman or mouse.

A martini was cold, stirred with care, in hopes that no children soon would be there.

The children were with Big Papi at McDonalds while visions of Happy Meals danced in their heads. And Big Papi with his task at hand to bring a true Mother's Day to me by taking the children on an errand or two. That's right folks I just wanted a quiet and calm afternoon.

Because earlier that day when the afternoon sun was high in the sky, there arose such a clatter that I sprang from my lawn chair to see what was the matter. Well I at least looked up and wanted a flask, as I saw my children fighting in the grass.

The freshly mowed lawn gave way to such a sight, that the Caveman and Alien were not beings angels but instead were a fright. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a very large Big Papi with the power to make two small children disappear.

With a little plan, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be the plan to pick! More rapid than eagles my course was clear and I shouted and begged Big Papi, my dear.

"Now Big Papi, Now Caveman Now Alien. On ward to a shower and then to the porch. Now dash away! Dash Away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, when I met with an obstacle call Big Papi on the fly. "Mother's Day isn't until tomorrow! You are stuck with all of us, and I want no fight from you!"

But, then in a twinkling I heard a tiny voice "Daddy I want to go bye bye" the prancing and pawing of each little hand on Big Papi forced a decision change. As I drew in my head, and was turning around, inside the house the children and Big Papi came with a bound.

Quickly there were showers and then the children were dressed. The Alien in an adorable yellow sundress and with much screaming and crying the Caveman finally placed on his feet the Old Navy flip flops- how sweet.

My eyes-how they twinkled! The Caveman's dimples could not be more merry! The Alien's cheeks were like roses, and Big Papi was as red as a cherry! His droll mouth was drawn down like a bow, and the beard of his chin was black not at all like snow.

A moment of brief pause before he grabbed the money envelope. With a final glance back he closed the door and loaded the SVU with his children. Within a few moments he drove out of sight and I said to myself "A happy mother's day to all, and to all moms a peacefully quiet afternoon!"

Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010