Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The very normal anniversary

So today is Big Papi and I’s third wedding anniversary.

Pretty exciting except for the fact it was a Wednesday and really how can you possibly celebrate anything well on a Wednesday.

Wednesdays are my days off from my real job, but a day usually filled with many errands. This week has been crazy with appointments. The Alien had her regular nine month well baby visit- except she wasn’t well at all. On Monday she had a temperature of 104! Seriously high for an alien in my opinion but never fear is an ear infection. Ear infections with kids are like boo boos- they’re going to get them. Ear infections are pains in my neck.

So today literally I had the following: personal training appointment (trainer didn’t show up), freelance article interview (subject 20 minutes late), lab appointment to get blood drawn (only had to be poked once, a miracle), hair appointment (if I had to chose between Big Papi or my stylist I would have a hard choice), then to work (I know its my day off but I do own the company) to make confirmation calls. At work I discovered that Big Papi sent me flowers! They are gorgeous! Tip to my male readers if you are sending flowers send to office place so that she may show them off.

Sounds like a fun filled day but then comes: diet counseling!

Today it was the RN who took a look at my food journal and told me I had lost 5 pounds. She also told me it was mainly water, but still 5 pounds is a lot. We also set my goals for this week- track how much water I’m drinking, keep my walking up, I can sub one of the snot shakes for a meal (yeah no thanks I want to eat real food when I can even if it is salad), and keep the carbs under 100 grams a day.

The other thing the center offers is education classes. My instructor is adorable- and today’s topic metabolism. Today I took away from the class that it takes only 3500 calories to make one pound of fat. I also stocked up on my protein bars- caramel not so bad.

Big Papi and I decided to celebrate the anniversary by going out to dinner. This was not a romantic candle lit dinner- because joining us was the Caveman and Alien. We decide to go to Outback because I could get a high protein meal there without feeling deprived. Well I had picked up the Caveman from preschool so I met Big Papi at the restaurant. Now let me say that Big Papi knew I had a hair appointment. But Big Papi has a habit of not noticing hair changes.

I think this is a DNA flaw with straight men- gay men almost always notice hair changes. I once changed my light brown hair to a striking red and it took Big Papi a week to notice. This wouldn’t be a problem except Big Papi is 6’7 compared to my 5’5 self. Hello!

Anyway so we sit down to eat and the Caveman looks at me and says “Mommy’s hair is pretty.” Then Big Papi says “Yeah your hair is cool.” He had to have the two year old remind him to complement his wife’s hair.

This is just one of the reasons I love Big Papi. He is adorably clueless. This is not mean- just the facts.

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