Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Scouting Wardrobe Malfunction.

So the other day Big Papi and I were attending the 11:00 church service. The 11:00 church service can be dangerous. The 11:00 service is where they stick all the baptisms and ceremonies so you could be there for hours. Now, I realize that these events are important but this particular Sunday was the morning after Big Papi and I stayed out until 1:00am with the Bugg (who happens to be one of the pastors in this church) and my new friend Brynne (whose husband is working crazy hours at Langley and shares my affection for Williams Sonoma). I know that I didn’t have to stay out until 1:00 am but it was a good time and Six in Phoebus has awesome cocktails and tapas.

Anyway, so Big Papi and I pull into the church parking lot and I notice a large amount of Boy Scouts and their families are heading towards church. Oh no Scouting Day! My church is a site for Boy Scouts Troop 84 and Cub Scouts Pack 184; we also have a Girl Scout troop that uses the facilities as well. This is great, I’m all for the teaching of be prepared and how to eat tree bark. In fact more boys should probably be involved and I even had hopes that the Caveman might want to try scouting so long as I didn’t have to venture into the woods with him. Yes scouting is fun, but then I saw the mothers.

The scouts' moms obviously are very involved with their sons’ activities. That is awesome; but why must they dress like men? Seriously, I’m talking over-sized men’s button down khaki shirts with patches designed to make a woman look fifty pounds overweight. To make it worse these women did not seem to do their hair or attempt to wear at least flattering pants. Most in fact had on the dreaded mom jean, which all mommies should know puts the focus on that mom pooch you get from carrying babies. After checking out the national website I have discovered that they have actual Boy Scout uniforms for women, and while not the best fashion statement they are at least fitted for a woman’s body. So these women willingly made the decision to dress this way.

I feel guilty looking at moms who are involved with their children’s activities, but for God sakes visit a tailor and get the shirts to fit your body. Taking the time to look your best is a good example for your children. I feel this is especially important when your child is receiving an award and you are suppose to stand by him. These boys worked hard to receive the acclamation from their church community. The least these mothers could do was make sure they looked their best for these boys as well.

The problem with moms who don't take care of themselves is that it leads to their lives becoming all about their children. This sounds good in theory but children grow up and no longer need us as much.

When you are on an airplane the flight attendants tell you to put your oxygen mask on first then assist your child. In life we need to do the same thing. My goal as a mom is to be great one but not to lose who I am as well. At some point the Caveman and Alien will grow up. To be the best mommy for them when they reach that milestone I need to know who I am when I am not being their mommy. Being a mom is only one side of me and I refuse to allow my children to take over my whole existence. If I should be so fortunate to have my Caveman or Alien join an organization that requires me to wear a uniform I will have it tailored with my hair done and wearing flattering bottoms and amazing shoes. That way I am still being mommy but remaining true to myself.

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