Saturday, February 7, 2009

Peer pressure

So there is this chain note going around Facebook: 25 random things about yourself. You are suppose to come up with some and then send it in a note for all your "friends" to read.

I have problems with this concept. It isn't that I don't want to share things with people, but Facebook has an info section where I have put things on to share with people. Isn't that enough. But alas I am giving into peer pressure- that and I have had writer's block for almost a month that is why no blog posts. Maybe this exercise will fix that, so here we go.

25 random things about AJ Rice's Mommy x 2

1. I have birthed two AJ's - though we only call the Caveman AJ!
2. Big Papi and I met playing Yahoo! Chinese checkers almost a year and half before actually dating.
3. I hate horror movies. Maybe it is just my empathic nature but I see no joy in watching people get murdered for entertainment.
4. I have a slight obsession with Williams Sonoma- but come on what cook doesn't
5. I am terrified that I might actually be a successful writer someday. By terrified I mean that people will actually read my writing and want me to do more of it and then I can't.
6. I am afraid that I won't be a successful writer ( and I realize that this contradicts number 5 but it is my list so sue me).
7. I do not eat cheese - it is gross- I will eat pizza once in a blue moon but the cheese has to be burnt. I also do not eat eggs or mayo because both are gross as well.
8. My favorite food at the moment is the mushroom soup I had at Sonoma wine bar in Virginia Beach. I am annoyed that I haven't been able to recreate it.
9. I hate doing home improvement projects. This is a big revelation as my mom and the Tigger read this and they could out drill Martha Stewart and Bob Villa any day!
10. I think my children are my true soul mates.
11. I am still annoyed that my best friend's husband keeps moving her further and further away because he actually likes teaching college. Seriously Utah?
12. I long for a day when cigarettes are completely outlawed.
13. I am ashamed I voted for Bush twice. Actually I am more ashamed I didn't have better choices until now.
14. I believe that marriage is between two consenting adults- body parts shouldn't matter. Maybe is if the Conservatives would realize that it is none of their business what people do in the bed room maybe they could focus on things more important like the economy and defending our country from its greatest threat the uneducated children of our public school system.
15. Crocs are the silly shoes ever- seriously unless you are a nurse, gardener, or chef don't wear them.
16. When I walk into a store I notice where the manager's are- and if they aren't on the floor or yelling at an associate for something stupid I call them out on it. I used to be a retail manager and I was awesome because I treated my employees like they were my customers.
17. I am an excellent massage therapist- but I only like giving massages to people I like not strangers and why I didn't stay with it.
18. I can read a book in a day- sometimes a few hours.
19. I hate the beard Big Papi is growing- now there is a blog topic
20. I like hanging out with guys better than girls- much less drama
21. Big Papi is the funniest guy I know- the jail story is the best!
22. Hearing endless rounds of toddler songs should be considered cruel and unusual punishment- I have loathed getting into a car with the Caveman ever since I bought the damn CDs
23. I have to have my feet covered when I sleep
24. I believe the real problems with UVA's men's basketball and football programs are not only coaching but an athletic director who should be replaced. Stop worrying about what students are writing on their poster board and worry about the lack of defense and scoring from these programs!
25. I like wearing glasses more than contacts. In fact I haven't owned contacts since 2001

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