Monday, July 27, 2009

One Small Step For Alien

So the Alien seems to have sprouted legs all the sudden.

The last few months she has become an expert crawler, able to quickly follow the Caveman and get into all sorts of trouble. Then came the standing up- my, she is so tall.

Today I saw my baby take some steps and I realized that this is my last time seeing these things from my children as babies.

Now, I hope you realize I am not the type of mommy who wallows in every single milestone her children experience. I have the baby books- that I haven’t filled out. And the poor Alien I haven’t taken nearly enough pictures of. Seriously the worse mommy is me sometimes. I just don’t seem the need to have the camera with me when the kid is doing something cute or interesting.

See what happens is the Alien will do something so precious I could just eat her up- seriously how cute is my baby! But, the Caveman will do something that requires me to get band-aids and the naughty stool. Or the Caveman is being so sweet playing with his sister but then the second I get the camera the Alien turns into something from Nightmare on Elms Street complete with color changing skin and screams of terror.

It would help if Big Papi would actually try to take a picture once in awhile. In all relationships there is the picture taker and the other guy. Big Papi is the other guy and as we get ready for our big family trip to Sesame Place- seven days- I am wondering if I am going to be in any of the pictures?

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