Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Alien Fit Log

This was one of those mornings where I am so thankful that the kids are in school and I get time away from them.  I do not care if that makes me sound like a horrible mommy; guess what folks I’m being honest.

The Alien is three now, and has opinions and will let you know her opinion whether you wanted to know or not.  The tantrums are significantly more involved than when she was two.  And the Caveman never had fits like this.  I’m talking Linda Blair fits.  I’m not sure if Jesus himself could stop it.

The Alien wanted to play with Lego; I wanted her to get dressed for school. Fit one.

The Alien didn’t want to wear jeans; I wanted her to stay warm.  Fit two.

The Alien didn’t want to put on her shoes (which were her green frog boots that did not go with her outfit but I was choosing my battles) in the living room, she wanted to do it in my bedroom while I was trying get dressed. Fit three

The Alien didn’t want to wear her warm bright pink coat; Again, I wanted her to stay warm.  Fit four

The Alien decided to continue her fit all the way into the class room at preschool where thankfully Mrs. Nolte caught on that the Alien was being ridiculous and much nicer than I did asked her to stop it.

Right now somewhere Crazy Grandma is laughing.

Is boarding school an option right now? It worked for Harry Potter and the crew.

I guess the good news is that I did not beat my child, didn’t spank, and didn’t yell.  I think it was probably because I knew that I was getting rid of her, again preschool really is the greatest place on the planet.  But it makes me question how do stay-at-home moms who home school do it? I think that separation between parents and children is not only necessary it helps build a healthy relationship.